Testing Database

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Testing strategy

The basic objective of testing the system is to ensure that everything is working as expected. During the testing we should look out for the following:

  • Macros should work as expected
  • Queries should run and return accurate outputs (and store required information property where appropriate)
  • Forms should display fields correctly
  • Command buttons should run actions as expected
  • Report should be printed correctly
  • Input should be validated correctly where appropriate
  • Required fields should not be empty. System should detect required fields that are empty

The testing of the system will be divided into 3 parts:

  • Functional - the testing of individual components of the database. This is done when the component is created and will be documented in the implementation
  • System testing – the testing of the full system from beginning to end. This is done using the test plan below and will be done and documented once the whole system in complete.
  • End-use testing – getting the end user to test the system for a day. Done by the end user to detect any errors/problems and to establish whether the system meets the user requirements
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Testing plan

Evidence of Testing

Test 1: Switchboard & Switchboard Options

Switchboard should load as expected

The command buttons opened the correct forms as expected

Test 2: Add/Edit customers details in Company’s

Add/Edit customers details in Company’s

Record 1: A new record was added and saved correctly to the tables as expected.

Record 2: When erroneous data is entered (Postcode was missing 3 characters) the system validation rule showed the following message

Record 3

When erroneous data is entered (a mobile ...

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The report clearly states each of three parts of testing the database. The terms 'Functional', System Testing' and 'End-Use Testing' are all explained thoughtfully, and it's clear that the user understands how to test a database using these three aspects. Some of the presentation of the screenshots of the database, could be improved a little. It does appear a little messy and can be quite confusing to follow.

When the user was testing the database it may have been useful if the user were to note down the process in more length in undertaking the test. At this stage, the report states what the test should achieve, and whether the test is successful or not. For higher marks, the report could mention the process taken to test the aspect within the database.

The report shows the user clearly testing the database, and explaining why it's necessary for the user to carry out tests on the database. However, in some areas, there could be an improved level of detail. The testing plan states a number of key areas where the user is going to test, these are clear and straight to the point.