The business that I am going to study called 'Sangeet Videos'

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Kaashif Hussain

ICT coursework

Candidate number: V934210

Sangeet Videos



The business that I am going to study called ‘Sangeet Videos’, this is a video shop located in the Birmingham area. ‘Sangeet videos’ is a video and DVD rental shop. ‘Sangeet videos' opened in 1993 and since then, it is running very successfully. The present owner of Sangeet videos, Mr Raja has had this store since 1993 and is very happy with the business. The business has a great property so the owner of the business will find it easier to sell the property.

Existing systems

Currently Mr Raja is using a book were he keeps customer details and a separated book for the daily records of people renting videos and DVD’s, he has been using this method ever since he opened Sangeet videos and due to problems with this method he is now considering to go computerised. This will also help the user to be quicker at the till so this will ensure the user the best amount of people using this type of service.

Problems with current systems

With the current system, that Mr Raja is using, there are a lot of major and minor problems. The main problems that Mr Raja is facing are that if a book is misplaced then he would not have a backup copy of what he has lost. This can cause problems such as not knowing who rented which film or the customer’s details can be at risk. This shows that their current system is lacking security of customer details as they can be accessed by anyone. Another problem he has is that when customers come in to rent a film he is forced to ask them their address, as looking up in the book will take to long. This makes Mr Raja feel bad and also puts his business in an unorganised position which leads him to have frustrated customers.

User Requirements

  •  Personal details
  • Surname
  • Forename

  • Invoice

  • Price list

  • Customer list

  • Result 

System specification  


  • Keep Mr Raja’s previous and present records in a securer place and also producing backup files for the records

  • To provide a quicker service in order to serve customers quicker in order to produce happy customers.
Join now!

  • To produce happy customers you need to use every advantage you have and try to keep the

Hardware and software

The hardware that the user will be using is any sort of computer that has sufficient memory. The software required for this program is Microsoft Excel, this program can be used in Windows XP and Windows 98, any of the two are appropriate.




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