The Development of Information Technology

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Computers In General

* Computers are everywhere - look around your daily lives

* Our lives are affected in all kinds of ways by their functions. They have become central to our society.

General Time Line

* Pascal - mechanical calculator

* Babbage and Lovelace - Analytical Machine

* Holrith - punch cards

* 1939 - First 'Real' Computer

o German engineering student Konrad Zuse built first computer from relays

o Iowa State professor John Atanasoff built the ABC for solving differential equations

* 1944 - Harvard professor Howard Aiken built the Mark I, which could calculate about 5 or 6 times faster than a person
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* 1945 - John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert built the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) for the US military and went on to market the UNIVAC 1 in 1949.

* 1552 - UNIVAC predicted Eisenhower's victory with 5% of vote. Grace Hopper and symbolic notation, making programming easier.

* 1958 - Transistors

* 1958 to 1964 - US computer population went from 2,500 to 18,000

* Mid 1960's Integrated Circuits (IC's)

* 1965 - DEC and the minicomputer

* 1969 - Hoff at Intel ...

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