Verbal and Non - verbal Communication

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Communication is the study of the transfer of meaning (Eunson, 2005, p.2). This consists of verbal communication, which is the exchange of ideas through written or spoken words and non – verbal communication, which is conveying a message through cues such as facial expressions (a smile), head movements (shaking left to right), proxemics (closeness in proximity) and eye messages (a stare). It is virtually impossible to not communicate, as further proved by the axiom – “You cannot not communicate”. There can also be considerable misunderstanding due to the noise factors that obstruct easy flow of communication, which can be dismissed if the misconceptions are understood and remedied.

Verbal cues can be easily controlled; where as the non - verbal cues have little or no control as they are exhibited by the speaker more or less without his or her knowledge. These are more spontaneous and the individual has less control over them, thus making it more genuine and real. Consequently, at times when the verbal cues and the non – verbal cues are contradicting, it is the general practice for the listener to perceive the message displayed by the non – verbal cue.  In a face to face conversation or verbal exchange, the words take only 7% of the effectiveness of delivering the proper message, where as the tone of voice and non – verbal communication consists of 38% and 55% respectively (Bradbury, 2003).

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        The aim of this presentation is to examine how communication of messages could be carried out effectively with the maneuvering of both, verbal and non – verbal cues, in the absolute correct way. Some methods to ensure proper communication would be to listen attentively to the speaker, keep eye contact, keep an open attitude to both the speaker and the listener, body language and feed back. This would enable us to communicate better with others by minimizing the possibility of delusion and thus we are able to read their thoughts and feelings, which they might be hiding and vice ...

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The report states the term 'Communication', however the student gives the Dictionary definition. This shouldn't be included within the report. All technical terms should be explained using their own understanding of the term, to allow the examiner to asses if the student understands the term or not by their own words.

The report mentions how people's non-verbal cues, such as hand movements are less controllable by speakers. This is quite good, as this describes how people speak. However the report doesn't explained why this is, and the report could include something on the lines of 'A person may not notice their hand movements so much, as this is there 'default' potion, as this is what there feel is comfortable and their natural body moments when talking'. The above will show the examiner, that the student understands how speakers sue non-verbal cues, and the reason to why this occurs.

In summary, the report gives a good description of how speakers, may use verbal and non-verbal communication to undertake a successful speak. However, some of the report may need a little further reading's to why it's important. The report describes how different cultures may have different methods of expressing their views. This is quite good, as this acknowledges that there may be some differences in terms of the approach that people may undertake.