What is a Topology?

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What is a Topology?

A topology is the shape of a local area network or communications system. Topologies are either physical or logical.

A physical topology is the layout of the network and how each node is connected to the network. This shows how the devices on a network are arranged and how they communicate with each other.

A logical topology is the way the node (computer) communicates with the network and the way data is sent to each of the nodes.

1. What is a Bus topology?

A bus topology is single cable that provides the network. This is called the central cable because it provides the network for all the nodes (computers).

1.2 Advantages of a bus topology?

The advantages of a bus topology are that it is not very expensive to implement because a minimum length of cable is required to create the network. Another advantage of the bus topology is that computers can be added and removed without affecting the rest of the network.

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1.3 Disadvantages of a bus topology?

The disadvantages of a bus topology are that it is unreliable and the fastest computers delay the slower computers communication with the network. A break in the network will cause the whole network not to work. The performance of the network is decreased when more computers are added.

1.4 Where are bus networks used?


Bus network are usually used at home when networking two computers together so that you can use the same internet connection and also be able to use the same printer, scanner etc.

2. What is ...

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