Risks of Having a Facebook Account. Immediately after the discussion in class regarding Facebook privacy, the first thing I did when I got home from school was to check the limitedness of my Facebook profile to people whom I have no connections with.
The Risks of Having a Facebook Account Immediately after the discussion in class regarding Facebook privacy, the first thing I did when I got home from school was to check the limitedness of my Facebook profile to people whom I have no connections with. I am particularly keen with the privacy settings of my profile in any social networking site I associate my identity and email address with so the privacy check that I engaged in a few weeks ago was just to verify whether or not I have properly safeguarded my Facebook profile. What I did was to sign out from Facebook and search my name as an anonymous individual. I recognized my profile among others whom I shared a name with through my profile picture. What made my name stand out from all the other Gerard Padillas were the university and high school networks which were under my name. I clicked my name and realized that only a larger version of the thumbnail of my current profile picture is further revealed upon clicking my name. I checked some of my friends' profiles and theirs disclosed a few of their friends. This revelation is already quite jeopardous since spammers and people who are up to no good can collect information and also be able to verify assumptions through one's set of friends. Also, the friends who are revealed, especially those who have weak privacy settings, are put in a risk. What really alarmed me was the
Unit 3 - Impact on Information Availability
Task One - Impact on Information Availability What electronic information do I access and what impact has this had on my life The internet has had a huge impact on people's lives throughout the world, it allows people from all over the world to communicate and meet in one place, and the impact is clearly visible in today's society. Originally used for communication and business the internet has quickly grown and everything can now be found on the internet quickly and easily. Personally, the internet plays a big part in my life as it is easy to find any information that I may require. It assists me in my school work and revision with sites like BBC Bitesize set up with revision resources and links to other helpful sites. I also use the internet for the latest news (and weather) using sites such as BBC News which contain all the days main headlines as well as discussion by the public on these stories. More recently I have been using the internet for online shopping, which is particularly helpful for events such as Christmas, with sites like Amazon and Play supplying goods for cheaper prices than most high street retailers as well as quick and efficient delivery. All of these websites listed are everyday sites which I use as helpful aids in my life, but I also use the internet for my interests and hobbies. I frequently visit sites such as Skysports to check all the latest
Hardware and Network issues in e-commerce
Hardware and Network issues in e-commerce Introduction This review will discuss the issues and outline some future developments related to the three most prominent forms of network technology, broadband, m-commerce and wireless broadband. What is broadband? A good definition of broadband is: "Broadband refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming video and audio files at acceptable speeds - generally anything above 100 Kbps" (Laudon and Traver, 2002). Typically, broadband is characterised by very high upload and download speeds and most interestingly it is an 'always-on' technology as opposed to narrowband where the user has to 'dial-up' to the server every time they begin a new session on the internet, whereas with broadband the user simply has to click on the internet icon on their desktop and they are instantly linked to home page of their choice. Types of broadband There are many types of broadband access available to the internet user. The most commonly used type of broadband connections made by the general consumer is via cable modem and DSL connections. Cable Modem is usually used by consumers who cannot get DSL connections in their area or who live in a cabled area and is characterised as a shared network service. Internet connection is 'piggybacked' on the television signal received by consumers who have cable television. It
Database Coursework on a Vehicle Rental System: Analysis
Introduction I am a student starting my second year of A levels at a College of Further and Higher Education and one of these A levels is ICT. The A2 part of the ICT A level consists of three modules, one of which is coursework and it is worth 40% of my overall A2 grade. The coursework requires me to identify and conduct research into an open-ended problem that exists for a real end-user. From results of this preliminary research, I must design an appropriate ICT-based solution for the problem using the skills and knowledge that I have acquired throughout the duration of my course. After designing such a solution, I will develop the actual software to be used to address the problem along with the technical documentation. This software will then undergo extensive testing so that I may identify and correct any bugs that may be present within the system. Plans on how the system will be implemented will then be made, including any training the staff will need and how existing data will be transferred into the new system. Finally, the User Documentation will be produced and I will evaluate the system on a number of various criteria to see if it meets the requirements outlined at the analysis stage. Throughout the whole process, I will be using the skills and experience that I've acquired in the first year of the course (and what I will be learning this year) to incorporate a wide
Examine the key features around the growth, development and policing of cyber crime in the 21st century.
Emma Fields Social Policy and Criminology Examine the key features around the growth, development and policing of cyber crime in the 21st century. The internet was first created in the 1960’s, but it only really started to take off and develop in the last 20 years with big websites such as Google (1998) and YouTube (2005). With the internet developing and people knowing more about it, cybercrime then came about and since then it has grown and gotten more dangerous and more extreme. There are several different types of cybercrime for example one is called cyber violence, this includes stalking and harassment, it can also be bullying people online via social networking sites and chat rooms. Cyber obscenity is another type of cyber crime which is sexual including porn sites. Cyber trespass is the crime of hacking sites and cyber theft is also another cybercrime which is credit card fraud as well as the illegal downloading of movies, music, books etc. Computer hackers are very intelligent, initially they started hacking sites simply because they were able to, and they wanted to explore the sites, at the start it was done just for fun. However it didn’t take long for these hackers to realise their potential and what they could actually be doing, soon it then escalated and they became more educated and more confident in hacking. These hackers could now be described
E-Commerce Laws and Legislation - The Data Protection Act
Nick Strife Data Protection Act The Data Protection Act was implemented to protect the privacy of living individuals who could be identified from the data, or from a combination of data held by the data controller. This also includes any opinions expressed about the individual. When Collecting data, the data controller must ensure they tell the individual who they are, what the information is going to be used for and ensure that they do not collect more information than is necessary. The data must be kept securely and not kept for longer than it’s needed. It must also be kept up to date and accurate. Individuals have the right to access their data at any time. Companies may charge a fee for this but they must respond within a set timeframe set out by their particular contract. The act contains eight “Data Protection Principles”. These specify that personal data must be: . Processed fairly and lawfully. 2. Obtained for specified and lawful purposes. 3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive. 4. Accurate and up to date. 5. Not kept any longer than necessary. 6. Processed in accordance with the “data subject’s” (the individual’s) rights. 7. Securely kept. 8. Not transferred to any other country without adequate protection in situ. This has an impact on businesses because they must ensure anyone involved in collecting or accessing personal data
The history of Hackers.
Valuable information or valuables themselves can be stored in protected areas such as banks, stores, or even computers. Wherever they are, there will always be the threat of a criminal mastermind who will attempt to break into these protected areas. In the modern age of computers, banks are no longer the main target of extracting lucrative amounts of money illegally. In this day and age, computers hold an abundant amount of information that can access money. Criminals who break into computer systems electronically are commonly called 'Hackers'. In today's highly technological computer world, the computer hacker is digging their way through our nation's computer systems to embezzle money, create chaos, manipulate figures, and to seek enjoyment. However, hackers are even used for finding security breeches. The birth of hackers in the Sixties, shortly came after the advent of elite engineering students who called themselves 'Phreakers' (1). Phreakers would tap the phone lines in order to place a local or long distance phone calls for free. The motivation came from the Sixties movement to expand tech- nology from the government and large corporations to individuals (1). Phreakers were able to do this because of a mishap by Bell Telephone Systems. Bell published a journal that contained the sequence of multifrequency tones used to place a call (1). This journal was only intended
Colorwarepc.com is entirely an online E-commerce business, therefore the website needs to ensure that their customers information will remain 100% safe from the time which it is submitted.
Section C - Security Risk Assessment Colorwarepc.com is entirely an online E-commerce business, therefore the website needs to ensure that their customers information will remain 100% safe from the time which it is submitted. The way in which companies do this is by hiring a security team with a lot of background knowledge and experience in ethical hacking. The security team should also be aware of the best firewall and antiviral services that are available. The security team at Colorwarepc.com have a lot of practice in ways, which hackers would attempt to gain entry into a business server system. They will frequently test the security systems and if a problem arises they can resolve it quickly. Furthermore it is important that Colorwarepc.com image doesn't get duplicated as this leads customers to sign up to Colorwarepc.com mimic, meaning that the customers personal information and financial information will be use for fraud and other internet crime. Physical security Physical security falls varies from anything like protecting a company's information on their computers to a simply locked door to more complex methods of security. It is the measures that prevent or detect hackers from using a service, resource or information stored on physical media. As Colorwarepc.com is a company based solely online I would expect they have a very good physical security measures in
Computer Crime
Table of Contents Cybercrime: An Overview of Computer Fraud and Abuse 3 What is Cybercrime? 3 New and emerging technologies and their impact on personal privacy protection 4 I-Phone 4 I-Pad 5 RFID Tagging 5 The Affect of Computer Crime on Society 7 What has been done by companies and governments to control the problem? 8 Penalties Imposed by Australian Law for Cybercrime 9 Weaknesses currently existing in Australian Cyber law 10 What proposed changes are being or should be suggested to overcome these loopholes 11 Chances of a computer criminal being caught and prosecuted 12 Reference List 13 Appendix 15 Cybercrime: An Overview of Computer Fraud and Abuse "New times bring new crimes. It's a story as old as humanity and as new as the Internet. First came cars, then car thieves followed. Telephones are followed by telephone fraud. Now we've got computers." (Anonymous1 Year Unknown) In the past decade technology has exponentially increased, and along with it computer crime. All new and emerging technologies are being affected by this transgression and this has been creating many problems for consumers, companies, agencies and the government. Companies and agencies have only now become conscious of the fact that their computers are prone to attack. In response to this, new security systems have been implemented and penalties for such an act increased. This
One of the 15 largest law firms in the world, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, supports nearly 1400 lawyers in 15 cities around the world (Kirkland & Ellis, 2011). Hardware and software are used by most of the lawyers in the company and many more people who help su
Hardware and Software Dhaval Shah CIS205 July 4, 2011 Frances Wand Hardware and Software The hardware and software of a workplace is important to the support of personal, workgroup, and enterprise computing. Although each company operates different, hardware and software will be used in similar form. One of the 15 largest law firms in the world, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, supports nearly 1400 lawyers in 15 cities around the world (Kirkland & Ellis, 2011). Hardware and software are used by most of the lawyers in the company and many more people who help support lawyers. Having each office use the same hardware and software in every office makes supporting them easy for the company. Kirkland & Ellis LLP deploys standard set of hardware and software to each employee based on his or her position. Every employee uses either a Dell desktop and monitor or a Dell Laptop. These pieces of hardware allow the employee to connect to Kirkland & Ellis LLP's network and function as a corporation. The workstations use the Windows operating system, Windows XP. Windows XP, a Microsoft product, released its first edition in 2001 (Microsoft, 2011). While this operating system is no longer sold or supported, Kirkland & Ellis LLP decided to hold off on upgrading to Windows 7. Because of the compatibility issues Windows Vista, the operating system released after Windows XP, had, Kirkland & Ellis