Computer Science Info-Age & Ethics

Computer Science Info-Age & Ethics New times bring new crimes. It's a story as old as humanity and as new as the Internet. First come cars, and then car thieves. Telephones are followed by telephone fraud. Now we've got computers . . .. To make home, school, and office life easier, society relies on computers. As a result of this dependency, computer use grows everyday. Along with the growing use of computers comes widespread computer crime. With the Internet becoming increasingly popular, more and more people are becoming computer literate, and networks are becoming more readily accessible. The rise in computer crime can easily be blamed upon the increasing number of users. The Internet is widely deemed as a new community. Either way you look at it, the Internet offers cover for con artists and plenty of places where larceny can lurk. The most common crimes committed via technology media are the same basic variations of the four main time-tested, real-world crimes: . Forgery (of E-mail) 2. Assault (on your Web site, E-mail box, or computer system) 3. Fraud (cyber scams) and 4. Robbery (theft of valuable information) Various types of people commit computer crimes. The two most familiar being hackers and crackers. A hacker is a person who enjoys exploring the details of a programmable system and how to stretch their capabilities. A cracker is one who breaks

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  • Word count: 1175
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Risks of Having a Facebook Account. Immediately after the discussion in class regarding Facebook privacy, the first thing I did when I got home from school was to check the limitedness of my Facebook profile to people whom I have no connections with.

The Risks of Having a Facebook Account Immediately after the discussion in class regarding Facebook privacy, the first thing I did when I got home from school was to check the limitedness of my Facebook profile to people whom I have no connections with. I am particularly keen with the privacy settings of my profile in any social networking site I associate my identity and email address with so the privacy check that I engaged in a few weeks ago was just to verify whether or not I have properly safeguarded my Facebook profile. What I did was to sign out from Facebook and search my name as an anonymous individual. I recognized my profile among others whom I shared a name with through my profile picture. What made my name stand out from all the other Gerard Padillas were the university and high school networks which were under my name. I clicked my name and realized that only a larger version of the thumbnail of my current profile picture is further revealed upon clicking my name. I checked some of my friends' profiles and theirs disclosed a few of their friends. This revelation is already quite jeopardous since spammers and people who are up to no good can collect information and also be able to verify assumptions through one's set of friends. Also, the friends who are revealed, especially those who have weak privacy settings, are put in a risk. What really alarmed me was the

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  • Word count: 1012
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Verbal and Non - verbal Communication

Introduction Communication is the study of the transfer of meaning (Eunson, 2005, p.2). This consists of verbal communication, which is the exchange of ideas through written or spoken words and non - verbal communication, which is conveying a message through cues such as facial expressions (a smile), head movements (shaking left to right), proxemics (closeness in proximity) and eye messages (a stare). It is virtually impossible to not communicate, as further proved by the axiom - "You cannot not communicate". There can also be considerable misunderstanding due to the noise factors that obstruct easy flow of communication, which can be dismissed if the misconceptions are understood and remedied. Verbal cues can be easily controlled; where as the non - verbal cues have little or no control as they are exhibited by the speaker more or less without his or her knowledge. These are more spontaneous and the individual has less control over them, thus making it more genuine and real. Consequently, at times when the verbal cues and the non - verbal cues are contradicting, it is the general practice for the listener to perceive the message displayed by the non - verbal cue. In a face to face conversation or verbal exchange, the words take only 7% of the effectiveness of delivering the proper message, where as the tone of voice and non - verbal communication consists of 38% and 55%

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  • Word count: 999
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Ecommerce (M) BETC IT

Potential risks to organisations of committing to an e-commerce system Organisation means a group of people work together with a common goal or objective in an organisation, there are many types of organizations, and in my presentation I would use businesses as a type of organization to develop my ideas and explanations. E-commerce offers competitive advantages such as improved customers service, reduced costs and entry to the global market, which attracted a lot of organizations to committing their businesses to an e-commerce system. However this typical system is not as perfect, there are also tons of potential risks of using e-commerce system. Especially for a new to e-commerce organisation, their site always not been fully protected or functioned, it would cause series of issues which need to be solved, and in order to solve these issues, organizations have to pay huge amount of money and time to investigate and maintain their systems. A website never born perfectly, the site like Amazon and eBay, years of changes and development has to be made. For example an business have their own management way, policy and security protection etc and it works very well before they committed to an e-commerce system, they set their tasks and they finished it perfectly without anything to do with ICT, but after they committed to an e-commerce system, it's a completely different story.

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  • Word count: 956
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Testing Database

Testing Testing strategy The basic objective of testing the system is to ensure that everything is working as expected. During the testing we should look out for the following: * Macros should work as expected * Queries should run and return accurate outputs (and store required information property where appropriate) * Forms should display fields correctly * Command buttons should run actions as expected * Report should be printed correctly * Input should be validated correctly where appropriate * Required fields should not be empty. System should detect required fields that are empty The testing of the system will be divided into 3 parts: * Functional - the testing of individual components of the database. This is done when the component is created and will be documented in the implementation * System testing - the testing of the full system from beginning to end. This is done using the test plan below and will be done and documented once the whole system in complete. * End-use testing - getting the end user to test the system for a day. Done by the end user to detect any errors/problems and to establish whether the system meets the user requirements Testing plan Test Number What to test How to test it Expected Outcome Test switchboard and switchboard options Manually click all the buttons on the switchboard Switch board should load on database startup.

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  • Word count: 780
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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Mobile phones: a blessing or a hazard?

Mobile phones: a blessing or a hazard? by Rafika Saidani A necessity of life For every one to have a telephone is a necessity. It is helpful and useful. Having a simple telephone keeps you in touch with other people you know. It is a more convenient mean of communication, much faster than sending a letter that take days to reach their destination. The mobile phone is even a better invention. The mobile phone is the fastest growing technology ever. Mobile phones are being more attractive, addictive and an obsession especially for the younger people. Teenagers are the biggest market for mobile phones. They spend so much on pre-paid credit. Having a mobile phone gives them a sense of independence and makes them feel they are part of this trend of the "fast" way of life. Also businesses are already taking full advantage from the invention. It helps them keep in touch with potential customers and business partners. It means for them being in touch all the time with a moving and competitive environment. A painful experience Mobile phones may offer security and may even save your life. A personal experience I had was when I was travelling from Coventry to Heathrow airport with my husband to catch a flight. On the way the car suddenly broke down on the motorway. We spent a lot of time waiting on hard shoulder for help. My husband then decided to walk till he reached a house on

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  • Word count: 737
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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William H. Gates.

William H. Gates Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Microsoft Corporation William (Bill) H. Gates III is co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation, the world's leading provider of software for personal computers. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Mary Gates, their late mother, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent and chairwoman of United Way International. Gates attended public elementary school before moving on to the private Lakeside School in North Seattle. It was at Lakeside that Gates began his career in personal computer software, programming computers at age 13. In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer, who is now Microsoft's president. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer - the MITS Altair. BASIC was first developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth College in the mid-1960s. In his junior year, Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies full-time to Microsoft, a company he had started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began

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  • Word count: 728
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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One of the 15 largest law firms in the world, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, supports nearly 1400 lawyers in 15 cities around the world (Kirkland & Ellis, 2011). Hardware and software are used by most of the lawyers in the company and many more people who help su

Hardware and Software Dhaval Shah CIS205 July 4, 2011 Frances Wand Hardware and Software The hardware and software of a workplace is important to the support of personal, workgroup, and enterprise computing. Although each company operates different, hardware and software will be used in similar form. One of the 15 largest law firms in the world, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, supports nearly 1400 lawyers in 15 cities around the world (Kirkland & Ellis, 2011). Hardware and software are used by most of the lawyers in the company and many more people who help support lawyers. Having each office use the same hardware and software in every office makes supporting them easy for the company. Kirkland & Ellis LLP deploys standard set of hardware and software to each employee based on his or her position. Every employee uses either a Dell desktop and monitor or a Dell Laptop. These pieces of hardware allow the employee to connect to Kirkland & Ellis LLP's network and function as a corporation. The workstations use the Windows operating system, Windows XP. Windows XP, a Microsoft product, released its first edition in 2001 (Microsoft, 2011). While this operating system is no longer sold or supported, Kirkland & Ellis LLP decided to hold off on upgrading to Windows 7. Because of the compatibility issues Windows Vista, the operating system released after Windows XP, had, Kirkland & Ellis

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  • Word count: 715
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
Access this essay is entirely an online E-commerce business, therefore the website needs to ensure that their customers information will remain 100% safe from the time which it is submitted.

Section C - Security Risk Assessment is entirely an online E-commerce business, therefore the website needs to ensure that their customers information will remain 100% safe from the time which it is submitted. The way in which companies do this is by hiring a security team with a lot of background knowledge and experience in ethical hacking. The security team should also be aware of the best firewall and antiviral services that are available. The security team at have a lot of practice in ways, which hackers would attempt to gain entry into a business server system. They will frequently test the security systems and if a problem arises they can resolve it quickly. Furthermore it is important that image doesn't get duplicated as this leads customers to sign up to mimic, meaning that the customers personal information and financial information will be use for fraud and other internet crime. Physical security Physical security falls varies from anything like protecting a company's information on their computers to a simply locked door to more complex methods of security. It is the measures that prevent or detect hackers from using a service, resource or information stored on physical media. As is a company based solely online I would expect they have a very good physical security measures in

  • Ranking:
  • Word count: 493
  • Level: AS and A Level
  • Subject: ICT
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