Community Consultation has been at the heart of successive government policy in recent years for policing'. Explain how this as evolved, paying particular attention to Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and Police Act 1996

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'Community Consultation has been at the heart of successive government policy in recent years for policing'.

Explain how this as evolved, paying particular attention to Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and Police Act 1996.



Word count: 1500

Total 7 Pages


Introduction: firstly it was introduced late 70s and early 80s when a need of police and community consultation was first realised. It was meant to get help from local community to stop or reduce crime by the way of consulting them. Later some amendments were introduced to community consultation under Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and Police Act 1996.

Definition: Consultation is defined as a process of dialogue that leads to a decision. This is a useful working definition as it implies an on-going exchange of ideas and information, not a one-off event. It also highlights the importance of consultation being closely related to decisions - there is little point in consulting about our policies and services if they are not going to be reviewed.

Aim: The aim of policing community consultation is to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, improve performance and increase public reassurance and visibility.

The only way for the police authority to get things right is to listen to, and involve, the people police serve.

Need - Police Authority need to consult in order to:

* Fulfil statutory requirements (The Police and Criminal Evidence Act of 1984 as amended by the Police Act of 1996, created a statutory responsibility for police authorities to consult with the public on policing matters, namely the annual budget and the setting of the policing precept for council tax. The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 and the Best Value obligation on the police authority have meant that it has adapted its consultative arrangements to meet the new requirements).

* Evaluate performance

* Identify reasons for good or bad performance

* Establish a citizen focus to our policing
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* Monitor and improve public satisfaction levels

* Generate ideas

* Find solutions to problems

* Determine priorities

* Choose between options

* Review progress

* Strengthen community engagement by showing people they can make a difference

Importance and Responsibility:-

This is now a legal responsibility for community consultation and, in partnership with police, will help to shape policing by consulting with general public. This mechanism of police-community consultation had its origins in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The balance between the Chief Constable's operational independence and the ...

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