Explain the purpose of criminal punishment and comment upon how effectively these are achieved by the different types of sentences available to the courts.

Explain the purpose of criminal punishment and comment upon how effectively these are achieved by the different types of sentences available to the courts.
Sentencing is a form of criminal punishment, whereby the defendant is given a decision of what penalty should be imposed on a person who is guilty of a criminal offence.
The sitting judge takes into account the serious of the offence, information about the defendant i.e. previous convictions for similar offences, any explanatory circumstances and lastly sentencing aims. In the Criminal Justice Act 1991 the aims of sentencing are clearly outlined. There are six theories of sentencing are on Retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation and incapacitation, denunciation and reparation.
Retribution being that the guilty party should suffer a sufficient punishment for his wrong doing so that justice can be satisfied. The punishment is proportionate to the committed crime i.e. get what he deserves ("just deserts"), thus for example the Court of Appeal clearly has shown that there are different types of sentencing for being in possession of an illegal drug, due to the various types and amount of the drug in possession.
Sentencing is a form of criminal punishment, whereby the defendant is given a decision of what penalty should be imposed on a person who is guilty of a criminal offence.
The sitting judge takes into account the serious of the offence, information about the defendant i.e. previous convictions for similar offences, any explanatory circumstances and lastly sentencing aims. In the Criminal Justice Act 1991 the aims of sentencing are clearly outlined. There are six theories of sentencing are on Retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation and incapacitation, denunciation and reparation.
Retribution being that the guilty party should suffer a sufficient punishment for his wrong doing so that justice can be satisfied. The punishment is proportionate to the committed crime i.e. get what he deserves ("just deserts"), thus for example the Court of Appeal clearly has shown that there are different types of sentencing for being in possession of an illegal drug, due to the various types and amount of the drug in possession.