
1: With reference to the dirty dozen, describe the different types of human limitations that can affect human performance (P3)

Stress is one of the limitations which can reduce human performance because when an engineer do a long shift he will get very stress and at that time the engineer tent to make mistakes for example forgetting to put a nut back.

And Memory limitations is one of the human limitation which can cause engineer to forget thing for example living a tool on the aircraft wing this mistake frequently happens because these information will be saved in short term memory which can only last for few seconds.

Poor communication can reduce human performance as well because when a team of engineers work to gather and they don’t communicate each other properly the outcome of the work would be very bad or even dangerous because they may think the other person did this job so I don’t need to do it and ignoring it. And if they can’t communicate properly they may not understand the work properly and they may do something differently to the set task.

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Lack of resources is one of the things which can limit human performance because human can’t do some work without the right tool and most of the time humans truest there tool to do the job for example putting a right force on a screw and if they don’t have the right resources they can’t perform normally.

Humans tend to become bored and be lulled into complacency this can reduce human performance because this can reduce the awareness of emergency situation and may even cause them to make more mistakes in an emergency.

Pressure can also reduce ...

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