Understanding Young People, Law and Order

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Nadezhda Katsarova, Humanities, Level 2, ID: 25069989




Understanding Young People, Law and Order



1.1 Describe three factors that may contribute to the reasons why young people become involved in crime

2.1 Describe the consequences of two given crimes for:

a) the victim

b) the offender

3.1 Describe each stage of the Criminal/Youth Justice System from reporting through to sentencing.

3.2 Describe the role of people involved at each stage.

4.1 Describe two arguments for and two arguments against custodial sentences.

4.2 Explain the disadvantages and disadvantages of two alterative forms of sentence.

5.1 Describe how local agencies, for example, Youth Offending Team, Probation Service, and Victim Support work together to provide support for young offenders  and their victims


First and foremost I want to thank my learners June Taylor who was always there for me to answer my questions .

Last and surely not least, I want to acknowledge my wonderful friends and colleagues, some of whom read the report not once but two and three times. There was periods at my lowest point when someone would ask ‘How’s it going?’ or ‘What are you finding?’, serving to renew my spirit and refocus my attention and energy.

To those of you who I did not specifically name, I also give my thanks for moving me towards my goal.


Youth crime has been present within society for many years. Generalised complaints about juvenile delinquency in the UK have been charted as far back as the seventeenth century, although modern forms of complaint did not surface until early in the nineteenth century. It is now estimated that roughly one quarter of all crime today is committed by people aged between ten and seventeen . There is no single reason that can explain why young people break the law and it is necessary to look at a number of possible explanations such as family life, the influence of peers, intelligence and attainment and drug misuse. Using drugs, alcohol, computer games and powerless police work makes young people to commit more and more crimes.
In nowadays, more and more young people use a lot of drugs. Narcotics changes their thinking and perceptivity.

1.1 Describe three factors that may contribute to the reasons why young people become involved in crime

There are a lot of reasons why young people get involved in crime:

Friends and belonging to a group

  • young people get involved in crime because they want to be leaders and to show their friends how big and

Friends’ influence and belonging to a group strongly influences a decision to commit crime. For example, young boys and girls who do not fit into expected standards of academic achievement or participate in sports or social programs can sometimes become  lost in the competition. Children of families who cannot afford adequate clothing or school supplies can also fall into the same trap. Researchers believe these youth may abandon schoolmates in favor of criminal gangs, since membership in a gang earns respect and status in a different manner. In gangs, antisocial behavior and criminal activity earns respect and street credibility. Like society in general, criminal gangs are usually focused on material gain. Gangs, however, resort to extortion, fraud, and theft as a means of achieving it.

  • Drugs and alcohol addiction

Some social factors pose an especially strong influence over a person's ability to make choices. Drug and alcohol abuse is one such factor. The urge to commit crime to support a drug habit definitely influences the decision process. Both drugs and alcohol impair judgment and reduce inhibitions (socially defined rules of behavior), giving a person greater courage to commit a crime. Deterrents such as long prison sentences have little meaning when a person is high or drunk.

       - Parental relations

Children who are neglected or abused are more likely to commit crimes later in life than others. Similarly, sexual abuse in childhood often leads these victims to become sexual predators as adults. Many inmates on death row have histories of some kind of severe abuse. The neglect and abuse of children often progresses through several generations. The cycle of abuse, crime, and sociopathy keeps repeating itself.

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2.1 Describe the consequences of two given crimes for:

a) the victim

If you have been the victim of a crime you may have doubts about whether to report what has happened to you. You may well be feeling upset or confused and have doubts about who you should speak to.

There is no legal obligation to contact the police, but the information you give them could make the difference in bringing a criminal to justice. This could prevent further crimes and protect others from becoming victims. All crimes, even less serious with no obvious victims, have a negative effect ...

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