For example in the case of R v Smith, a blank defendant requested for a multiracial jury. This was rejected as jury have no right to interfere with the selection process. This is also the case In Rv Ford.
On the other hand there are several weaknesses. There are problems in the selection process. Firstly, the electoral registors may be in accurate. It may under report the ethnic minorities and young people- hence excluding them to be selected. Next, random selection does not equal to equal representation. For example, all white, all men and all women juries are possible. This does not guarantee that juries come from all walks of life.
Juries do not need to explain their decisions due to secrecy of the jury. Hence their decisions may be unaccountable. This is the case in R v Young where a few jurors under alcohol influence used an Ouija board to obtain the verdict. The conviction was quashed. Also in the case of Vaise v Delaval, the defendant sought to produce two affidavits saying that the jury had resolved the case by tossing a coin.
Jury may also be influenced by external factors such as media. They may have preconceived ideas of what criminals look like, which may affect their decision of reaching a unbiased and fair decision. They may also put too much faith into expert witnesses and police evidence. This is seen in the case of Sally Clark where Dr meadows testimony against the unlikelihood of two innocent cot deaths brought the wrongful conviction of Sally Clark.
Jury may be distressed as they do not have legal knowledge and counselling may then be required. Also they may be too eager to convict as opposed to case hardened magistrates.
Jury may be sympathetic with the defendant and may lead to perverse decision being made. There is no appeal on perverse decisions however it is This is unjust to the losing party. In the case of Rv Owen, the defendant shot a lorry driver who had killed his son. He was acquitted.
There are several weaknesses and strengths with the jury system. However some of the weaknesses can be eliminated such as allowing appeals and investigations on alleged impropriety. Judges can direct jury to answer questions when reaching a verdict too. zl