Exponential decay:The objective of this experiment is to get the trend line of heart rate and to determine the decay constant of this decay.

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Heart Rate

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objective

The objective of this experiment is to get the trend line of heart rate and to determine the decay constant of this decay.

1.2 Theory

In a radioactive decay process, the rate at which the heartbeat decrease is proportional to the heartbeat after excising(N).

where the decay constant  is positive number called the decay constant related to differences between hearts.The solution to this equation is:

Here is the heartbeat at time t, and = N (0) is the heartbeat after excising.

2.0 Experimental

Heart rate decrease that occurs rapidly when after exercise which is entirely due to increase in cardiac vagal activity, and the heartbeat decrease follow the exponential decay. By recording the number of heartbeat in a fixed period of time, we can get the curve of it and determine the decay constant.

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2.1 Apparatus

17 people, stop watch, playground.


2.2 Procedures

  1. Everyone put their hands on carotid artery.
  2. Timekeeper calculate the time use.
  3. Once the timekeeper call "start!", students can begin to count the heartbeat.
  4. Repeat 3 times and get 3 different groups of data.
  5. All the students run 5 minutes continuously.
  6. Repeat the procedure 1-3 every half a minutes for 7 times.

2.3 Data

To get a obvious and simple curve, for each item, I just calculate the average value.

2.4 Observations

The intensity of the excise may be ...

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