GCSE Mathematics Coursework: Statistics Project

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Chioma Oganya, 11F Tiffin Girls’ School

GCSE Mathematics Coursework: Statistics Project


Mayfield is a fictitious High School that features data on the 1150 pupils in Years 7 – 11.  The data presented is based on a real school and includes information such as gender, year group, IQ, height and weight for each pupil.  My aim is to analyse this information to prove the following hypothesis:

The more hours of TV watched per week, the greater the weight of the pupil. 

Justification of Hypothesis:

It is logical to assume that the more time spent sitting in front of the television, the less time spent on active activities such as exercise and sport.  Therefore, I think that people that watch large amounts of television will be more unfit and will consequently weigh more as they have not participated in much vigorous exercise to ‘burn off’ fat.

           Table showing the Number of Boys and Girls in each Year Group of Mayfield High School

With a database featuring 1150 pupils, it would be impractical to analyse the entire database considering the time constraints.  I will need to take an appropriate sample so that I can analyse the information to come to a reliable conclusion.  A sample of 100 pupils is appropriate as it is large enough for any findings to be reliable (in contrast, if a conclusion was formed using data from only six pupils for example, then it would not be reliable as the sample would not be fully representative of all the pupils in the school).  It is important to make sure that the sample is not biased, so that the conclusion is reliable.  The school features Years 7 – 11 and in each year, there are different numbers of girls and boys.  Each group in the sample must occur in the same proportion as it does in the overall population of the school, so before I can pick specific pupils to analyse through random sampling, I must work out how many people to choose from the different years and how many should be boys or girls.  To do this, I will use stratified sampling.

To find the number of Yr 7s required in the sample:

 275      x    100    =    24 (to the nearest whole number)


To find the number of Yr 7s of which should be girls in the sample:

 124      x    24     =    11 (to nearest whole number)


Therefore, the number of male Yr 7s in the sample should be 13.  To check:

 151      x    24    =    13 (to nearest whole number)


This process was completed for each year group, to determine how many from each year group should be in the sample of 100, and how many of them should be boys or girls.  The results are presented below in the following table:

           Table showing the Number of Girls and Boys in Each Year Group of the Selected Sample

Now the number of pupils required from each year group is calculated, the pupils may be selected at random, to create an unbiased sample.  To do this, I will use a calculator.  Each Year group’s data is on a separate Excel worksheet, so it is a question of using the random number generator on the calculator to select the pupils from each Year, taking a Year at a time.

For instance, in Year 7, as there are 275 pupils from which I must choose 24, I will enter into my calculator

to get random numbers ranging from 0 < x ≤ 276.  276 must be used rather than 275, as Row 1 is used in every Excel sheet for the list headings, rather than holding a pupil’s data.  Therefore, if the number ‘1’ was randomly generated, it would be ignored and the random number ‘276’ would mean I would take the pupil in Row 276, which would be pupil no. 275.  Obviously, I will continue to take pupils in Year 7 until I have 13 boys and 11 girls.  If, for instance, a number is generated where the pupil is female even after 11 girls have already been selected, then the number will be ignored.  Otherwise, the proportions of girls and boys in the sample would not represent the proportions present in the Year Group.  Also, as the random numbers generated can be up to three decimal places, they will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

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After performing this process for Year 7, the same will be done for each Year group to select the pupils.

I have now collected my sample, which is shown overleaf:

In order to test whether there is a relationship between the average amount of TV watched per week and the weight of a pupil, I will construct a scatter graph.  Scatter graphs are effective in discovering whether there is a correlation between two sets of data, as one set of data is plotted on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis.  A line of best fit ...

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