Investigating the different relationships between the T-total and T-number of the T-shape by translating it to other positions on the grid.

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I am investigating the different relationships between the T-total and T-number of the T-shape by translating it to other positions on the grid. First I am going to use 9×9 grid then go on to smaller sizes like 8×8 7×7 6×6 5×5 to investigate whether the size of grid affects the T-total and T-number. This can be done by rotating it and then use vectors to find out if there is any relationship if it is translated.

Title Page and Aim                                                                Page 1

Contents                                                                        Page 2

9×9 Grid Investigation                                                        Page 3        

8×8 Grid Investigation                                                        Page 5

7×7 Grid Investigation                                                        Page 7

6×6 Grid Investigation                                                        Page 9

5×5 Grid Investigation                                                        Page 11

9×9 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape                                Page 13

8×8 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape                                Page 15

7×7 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape                                Page 18

6×6 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape                                Page 20

5×5 Grid Investigation 180º Rotated T-shape                                Page 22

9×9 Grid Investigation 90º Clockwise Rotated T-shape                        Page 24

8×8 Grid Investigation 90º Clockwise Rotated T-shape                        Page 26

7×7 Grid Investigation 90º Clockwise Rotated T-shape                        Page 28

6×6 Grid Investigation 90º Clockwise Rotated T-shape                        Page 31

5×5 Grid Investigation 90º Clockwise Rotated T-shape                        Page 33

9×9 Grid Investigation 90º Anti-Clockwise Rotated T-shape                Page 35

8×8 Grid Investigation 90º Anti-Clockwise Rotated T-shape                Page 37

7×7 Grid Investigation 90º Anti-Clockwise Rotated T-shape                Page 39

6×6 Grid Investigation 90º Anti-Clockwise Rotated T-shape                Page 41

5×5 Grid Investigation 90º Anti-Clockwise Rotated T-shape                Page 43

Conclusion                                                                        Page 46

Investigation Part 1

9×9 Grid size investigation


                                T-number – 21

                                T-total – 21+12+2+3+4

                                                = 42

                                T-number – 22

                                T-total – 22+13+3+4+5

= 47


T-total = (Tn - 9) + (Tn - 17) + (Tn - 18) + (Tn -19) + Tn

5Tn - 63


The difference between the T-totals is 5

Now I am going to check whether my formula is correct

T21 5 × 21 = 105 - 63 = 42

Relationship between the grid size, T-number and T-total

T21 5 × 21 = 105 - 63 = 42

Grid Size (g) = 9

63/g = 7


63 can also be written as G×7 because G=9, so 9×7 = 63

So the formula is 5Tn-(G×7)

Relationship between the grid size, T-number, T-total and Translation

Investigation of negative vectors

The vectors I have chosen for this is (-2,-2)

Tn (-2,-2) = TTn (Translated Tn)

To find out TTn I am going to take a T-shape randomly and see whether there is any relationship between the Tn and TTn.

I have chosen the T-shape which has the Tn of 22. If translated (-2,-2) co-ordinates then the TTn is 38.

So if I take away 22-38 then I get -16. I took 2 factors of -16 and put them in an equation.




If I replace the numbers with Algebra then I can find out the equation

Tn-(V×8) = TTn

This formula is going to work for all 9×9 Grid T-shape translations when both vectors are same and negative.

Investigation of Positive Vectors

The vectors I have chosen for this is (2,2)

Tn (2,2) = TTn (Translated Tn)

To find out TTn I am going to take a T-shape randomly and see whether there is any relationship between the Tn and TTn.

I have chosen the T-shape which has the Tn of 38. If translated (2,2) co-ordinates then the TTn is 22.

So if I take away 38-22 then I get 16.




If I replace the numbers with Algebra then I can find out the equation

Tn-(V2+12) = TTn

This formula is going to work for all 9×9 Grid T-shape translations when both vectors are same and positive.

Investigation Part 2 (Using grids of different sizes)

8×8 Grid size investigation

                                T-number – 34

                                T-total – 34+26+17+18+19


                                T-number – 35

                                T-total – 35+27+18+19+20



T-total = (Tn - 9) + (Tn - 17) + (Tn - 18) + (Tn -19) + Tn

5Tn - 56


The difference between the T-totals is 5

Now I am going to check whether my formula is correct

T34 5 × 34 = 170 - 56 = 114

Relationship between the grid size, T-number and T-total

T34 5 × 34 = 170 - 56 = 114

Grid Size (g) = 8

56/g = 7


56 can also be written as G×7 because G=8, so 8×7 = 56

So the formula is 5Tn-(G×7)

Relationship between the grid size, T-number, T-total and Translation

Investigation of negative vectors

The vectors I have chosen for this is (-2,-2)

Tn (-2,-2) = TTn (Translated Tn)

To find out TTn I am going to take a T-shape randomly and see whether there is any relationship between the Tn and TTn.

I have chosen the T-shape which has the Tn of 20. If translated (-2,-2) co-ordinates then the TTn is 34.

So if I take away 20-34 then I get -14. I took 2 factors of -14 and put them in an equation.




If I replace the numbers with Algebra then I can find out the equation

Tn-(V×7) = TTn

This formula is going to work for all 8×8 Grid T-shape translations when both vectors are same and negative.

Investigation of Positive Vectors

The vectors I have chosen for this is (2,2)

Tn (2,2) = TTn (Translated Tn)

To find out TTn I am going to take a T-shape randomly and see whether there is any relationship between the Tn and TTn.

I have chosen the T-shape which has the Tn of 34. If translated (2,2) co-ordinates then the TTn is 20.

So if I take away 34-20 then I get 14.




If I replace the numbers with Algebra then I can find out the equation

Tn-(V2+10) = TTn

This formula is going to work for all 8×8 Grid T-shape translations when both vectors are same and positive.

7×7 Grid size investigation

                                T-number – 25

                                T-total – 25+18+10+11+12


                                T-number – 26

                                T-total – 26+19+11+12+13



T-total = (Tn - 7) + (Tn - 13) + (Tn - 14) + (Tn -15) + Tn

5Tn - 49


The difference between the T-totals is 5

Now I am going to check whether my formula is correct

T25 5 × 25 = 125 - 49 = 7

Relationship between the grid size, T-number and T-total

T25 5 × 25 = 125 - 49 = 7

Grid Size (g) = 7

49/g = 7


49 can also be written as G×7 because G=7, so 7×7 = 49

So the formula is 5Tn-(G×7)

Relationship between the grid size, T-number, T-total and Translation

Investigation of negative vectors

The vectors I have chosen for this is (-2,-2)

Tn (-2,-2) = TTn (Translated Tn)

To find out TTn I am going to take a T-shape randomly and see whether there is any relationship between the Tn and TTn.

I have chosen the T-shape which has the Tn of 18. If translated (-2,-2) co-ordinates then the TTn is 30.

So if I take away 18-30 then I get -12. I took 2 factors of -12 and put them in an equation.




If I replace the numbers with Algebra then I can find out the equation

Tn-(V×6) = TTn

This formula is going to work for all 7×7 Grid T-shape translations when both vectors are same and negative.

Investigation of Positive Vectors

The vectors I have chosen for this is (2,2)

Tn (2,2) = TTn (Translated Tn)

To find out TTn I am going to take a T-shape randomly and see whether there is any relationship between the Tn and TTn.

I have chosen the T-shape which has the Tn of 30. If translated (2,2) co-ordinates then the TTn is 18.

So if I take away 30-18 then I get 12.




If I replace the numbers with Algebra then I can find out the equation

Tn-(V2+8) = TTn

This formula is going to work for all 7×7 Grid T-shape translations when both vectors are same and positive.

6×6 Grid size investigation

                                T-number – 15

                                T-total – 15+9+2+3+4

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                                T-number – 16

                                T-total – 16+10+3+4+5



T-total = (Tn - 6) + (Tn - 11) + (Tn - 12) + (Tn -13) + Tn

5Tn - 42


The difference between the T-totals is 5

Now I am going to check whether my formula is correct

T15 5 × 15 = 75 - 42 = 33

Relationship between the grid size, T-number and T-total

T15 5 × 15 = 75 - 42 = 33

Grid Size (g) = 6

42/g = 7


42 can ...

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