Is there a Correlation between GCSE Mathematics and English Literature scores?

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Is there a Correlation between GCSE Mathematics and English Literature scores?


        The aim of my investigation is to find out if there is any correlation between individual’s scores in GCSE Mathematics and English Literature. Also, I aim to find out whether the correlation (if present) is negative or positive.

Reason for Investigation:

I have decided to investigate this as at my previous high school many of my teachers, but in particular my English literature teacher, thought that if a pupil was a high achiever in the English Literature GCSE then it was unlikely that they were also a high achiever in the Mathematics GCSE. She had reached this conclusion through the knowledge that English Literature is a creative subject where’ as Mathematics depended more on logic and Memory. If her conclusion proved to be correct my results will have a negative correlation. This would mean that if the scores in Mathematics were high she would expect the individual’s results in English Literature to lower.

I disagree with her conclusion. I think that if you are a high achiever in English Literature you will also be a high achiever in Mathematics. I think that as both subjects are challenging and require analysis of the text/results that both subjects depend on the pupil having a high intelligence. If my conclusion is proved to be right then my results will have a positive correlation. This means that if a pupil achieved high scores in Mathematics I expect them to achieve high scores in English Literature.

Both the conclusions made by myself and the English literature teacher expect that there will be a correlation between the GCSE scores obtained in English Literature and Mathematics.

Data Collection and Sampling:

        I obtained my raw data from the high school which I previously attended as I thought this was only fair as both the English literature teacher and I had based our conclusion on the results from this school. The population for my investigation is the 1998 Year 11 class from Thistley Hough High School which comprised of 162 pupils including myself. As GCSE grades are non numerical data I simply used the GCSE points scored, i.e.-A*=8, A=7, B=6…..U=0.

I decided that random sampling would be the best sampling method so as to keep my sample as representative and unbiased as possible. I arranged the names of these pupils in alphabetical order and then issued each pupil with a number. This was to ensure that there was no bias on selecting a pupil for any personal reasons.

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I then used a Casio calculator to generate a random number between 1 and 162, for example I typed (162)Ran# = and obtained a number of 104.7, I then rounded this number to the nearest integer, so the number pupil I would select would be 105. I chose to take a sample of 50 individuals from the population of 162 as this will help to ensure the data is representative as it is about 30% of the population.  I then selected these 50 pupils using these random numbers which corresponded with the pupil numbers I had already issued.

If ...

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