Numerical integration can be described as set of algorithms for calculating the numerical value of a definite integral. Definite integrals arise in many different areas and calculus is a tool

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Numerical integration can be described as set of algorithms for calculating the numerical value of a definite integral. Definite integrals arise in many different areas and calculus is a tool for evaluating them; with numerous applications in science and engineering as well as mathematical analysis. However, calculus cannot always be applied; there are functions which do not have antiderivaties. One such example is

;this is an important function since it will be used in this coursework.

Using my knowledge of numerical integration I shall produce an approximation to the function  ,seeing as it cannot be integrated. The area will be evaluated between the values of 0 and 1 (radians). The graph below gives a visual representation of the area which I shall be calculating.


It is often complicated to find the analytic solution to many differential equations. However, to our benefit there are many methods for finding the approximate solutions to differential equations. These methods are referred to as polynomials: the mid-point rule, trapezium rule and Simpson’s rule. Before explaining the methods in detail, we should note that all of these methods presented do not produce exact solutions, only approximate ones.  

Lissaman R. (2004), suggests that the midpoint rule uses rectangles to approximate the area underneath a curve. Below is a diagram which makes use of the mid-point rule:

In figure 1.0 five rectangles, each with the same width, are used to approximate the area under the graph of a function f(x) between x = 0 and x = 1.

The widths of the rectangles are donated h. The height of the first rectangle in the example is at the mid-point of the interval 0 to 0.2; which is 0.1 (represented by dashed line in figure 1.0). In algebraic terms the expression is given as (α + h)/2. The point at which the dashed line meets the curve is the height (expressed as β in algebraic terms). From basic arithmetic given the height and width we can calculate the area (βh). By calculating the area of each of the rectangles in figure 1.0 and adding the results we obtain the approximation to the area under the curve (between 0 and 1 radians).

Through the use of algebra it is possible to derive the general from of the mid-point rule, using n, each of width h. The approximation of can be given by:

  • the mid-points of the five rectangles are

β1= α + h/2      β2= α + 3h/2      β3= α + 5h/2      β4= α + 7h/2      β5= α + 9h/2

  • the heights of these rectangles are respectively

f(β1)             f(β2)               f(β3)                   f(β4)         f(β5)

  • the area of the underneath the curve in figure 1.0 is thus

     h f(β1) + h f(β2) + h f(β3) + h f(β4)         + h f(β5)

  • this can be generalised to

     Mn= h [f(β1) + f(β2) +(β3) + f(β4)+ ....+ f(βn)]

Note that Mn is dependent on the number of rectangles. Thus M16 means that area under the curve is split in 16 rectangles whereas M32 means its split up in 32.

Having explained the mid-point rule above, I shall now explain the trapezium rule. The two methods are quite similar to each other in the sense of approximating the definite integral. The trapezium rule makes use of trapeziums instead of rectangles. Like the mid-point rule it is easier to describe by using a diagram:

Figure 1.1 shows 4 trapezia, each one of length one (h), approximating the area under the curve, between 1 and 5. The heights of the parallel sides are unknown and can be donated as the values f(1) and f(2). Therefore the area underneath the curve, between 1 and 2 is [f(1) + f(2)] (h/2). Algebraically this can be donated as [f(α) + f(α+h)](h/2).  

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The length of the next trapezium in figure 1.1 is [f(2) + f(3)](h/2); similarly in algebraic terms [f(α+h) + f(α + 2h)] (h/2).

As a result the total area in figure 1.1 can be given as follows:

[f(α) + f(α+h)](h/2) + [f(α+h) + f(α + 2h)](h/2) + [f(α+2h) + f(α + 3h)](h/2) + [f(α+3h) + f(α + 4h)](h/2) =

[f(α) + 2[f(α+h) + f(α + 2h) + f(α + 3h)] + f(α + 4h)]

Thus the general approximation to for n trapezia is:

Tn= (h/2) [f0 + 2(f1 + f2 + f3 +…+ fn-1) + fn]

where f0 is the ...

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