Solving the equation of 0 = 3x^5 - 3x + 1 using different methods

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Solving the equation of   0 = 3x^5 - 3x + 1 using different methods. This is to compare all three methods to find out which is best. To be fair, the same root will be calculated by all three methods.

Method: Decimal Search/Change of sign

        The equation, 0 = 3x^5 – 3x + 1, will be solved using the method Decimal Search/Change of Sign.

I have used Excel to calculate the values of the function.

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Using the Decimal Search/Change of Sign method, it took 32 calculations to reach a conclusive answer to 5 decimal places of 0.337735 ±0.000005.

Method: Newton Raphson

Using the Newton Raphson method, it took 4 iterations to reach a conclusive answer to 5 decimal places of 0.337735 ±0.000005.


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