Coca cola - swot analysis

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Coca cola

The country in which my promotional plan is going to be set is India, because I feel there is a real need to improve on the promotion of my product.  Ever since coke was thrown out of India in 1977 for not revealing its secret recipe, it has been struggling to regain a foothold on the subcontinent. “The guardian 2000”

I am first going to use SWOT analysis and analyse Coca-Cola both internally and externally in terms of it’s marketing strategy.


  • Strong brand name
  • Co-operate identity
  • Global distribution
  • Innovation


  • Not no1 in India
  • Advertising was not clear and was misunderstood in India


  • Possible growing demand
  • Expansion into new market
  • Developing a global brand


  • Competition-Pepsi
  • Legislation-health scares like France and Belgium.

I am going to decide on the following things:

  • Who should receive the message?
  • What image do we want to send out of Coca-Cola?
  • How much will it cost to get the message out to my consumers?
  • What actions the receiver will take?
  • How to control the whole process once implemented?
  • Determining what was achieved.

My target group is not going to be a specific age but aimed at the whole country from youngsters to the elders.

My objectives are going to be SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Accurate
  • Realistic
  • Time specific

My campaign is going to be successful because I will be making sure that my consumers are aware of Coca-Cola.  I will be reaching my audience, which at the moment is being dispersed in India.  I will keep reminding my consumers about the product, this will encourage existing consumers to re-purchase the product and may attract new customers. I will show the Indian audience that coca cola is better than my competitors including Pepsi, this may encourage consumers to switch purchases from another product like Pepsi.  Most importantly I will develop and improve the image of Coca-Cola.


Coca-Cola may be the no1 brand in soft drinks in many countries but in India it is the second most consumed soft drink after Pepsi. “It is something of an irony, then that in a ragingly hot country like India, most people do not drink cola.  There is no mystery here: they are simply too poor.  When the price of a 300ml bottle of cola went up last year from eight to nine rupees (15p), sales slumped.  Even among those who buy cola, consumption is low.  India’s per capita consumption of soft drinks is only six bottles a year” the guardian 2000. India being a third world country cannot afford to spend too much on a bottle of soft drink and at the moment coca cola is charging nine rupees for a bottle of coke which proved to be a mistake which showed when the sales figures slumped.  So taking this in consideration I will put the price of coca cola down to seven rupees which is a drop of two rupees currently, but I feel that this will be an advantage in the long term to coca cola because currently Pepsi is dominating the soft drinks market in India not coca cola so we need to pull the customers towards coke and once they become a regular coca cola drinker we can slowly raise the price up so the sales figure is not affected greatly.  We cannot raise the price of Coca-Cola even before we’ve attracted majority of our target audience and that’s the mistake Coca-Cola currently has made in India.

I have made a creative brief for what is required by Coca-Cola.

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What is required?

A campaign that can be used across India with minimal adaptation.

1.        What do we expect this advertising to do?  

 To value coca cola’s performance more highly and so stops them being attracted to other soft drink brands.  Also to increase the belief in the products intrinsic value.  Make it look more attractive than Pepsi.

2.        What insight do we have about our audience (their attitudes, moods and needs)?

Coca-Cola needs to be insight and the audience must be told loud and clear that Coca-Cola quenches the thirst.

3.        What single-minded response do ...

This is a preview of the whole essay