Compare and contrast the three newspaper articles, explaining carefully what you like and dislike about them.

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Compare and contrast the three newspaper articles, explaining carefully what you like and dislike about them.

In this coursework I will be examining 3 different newspaper articles about the famous fight between Frank Bruno and Tim Witherspoon. All 3 articles were published the morning after the fight so none of them would have had the hindsight of what the others had said. The articles are ‘A Brave Bruno Fails’ from The Star, ‘Bruno left In A Wasteland’ from The Guardian and ‘Fans Hail Bruno As Title Bid Fails’ from The Daily Mail.

   There are 2 different types of newspaper these are tabloid and broadsheet. Broadsheet newspapers have an average reading age of about 14 whereas the average reading age of tabloids is only 7-8. From the 3 newspapers The Daily Mail and The Star are tabloids whereas The Guardian is a Broadsheet.

   The way the articles start and finish is important. In The Star the first paragraph is a single long sentence. This isn’t something you would expect from a tabloid. The Guardian also has one long sentence for the first paragraph. This is something you would expect more from the Guardian, as it is a Broadsheet. The first paragraph in The Daily Mail is split into more than one sentence, something you expect more from a tabloid.

        The way the 3 articles end is also interesting. The Star ends very complimentary of Frank Bruno. It says how he showed ‘strength’ and ‘courage’, how he had a ‘heart of a lion’. It ends on a triumphant note, saying that Bruno has not lost everything.

         The Guardian ends with some quotes from Frank Witherspoon. He is being a good sportsman, saying how Bruno could ‘come back again’ if he wanted to. It also says ‘I said those rippling muscles of his were no good’. This is probably what Frank Witherspoon said before the fight. Before a fight both the fighters would have been insulting the other persons fighting, trying to psyche themselves up and put down their opponents. This is what Witherspoon was saying before the fight, about Bruno’s muscles. Now the fight has finished and he has won he is being nice and saying that he didn’t mean it. The Guardian also ends on a high note. This is the person that has just beaten Bruno saying that he could come back. This is a good point for all fans of frank Bruno.

     The Daily Mail finishes by giving details about the end of the fight. It tells us how Frank Bruno’s manager, Terry Lawless, threw in the towel. This signifies the ends of a boxing fight. This article ends on a slightly negative note. Frank Bruno has lost the fight and the heavyweight title stays in American hands.

    The general mood in each article is different. The Star article is slightly triumphant. Words like ‘strength’ and ‘courage’ are used. There is even a feeling of splendour when majestic words such as ‘conquering’ and ‘king’ are used. It is not all happy though, there is a slight sign of sadness, using words like ‘pathos’ and ‘sadly’.

      The Guardian article is disappointed. It starts being not very nice about Bruno, wondering whether he was ready for the fight. At the end it starts with a glimmer of hope, with Witherspoon saying how Bruno could come back if he wanted.

       The Daily Mail article has a very hopeful mood. It goes on about how Bruno may have lost the fight but he grew in status and has earned everyone’s respect. The fans have not turned against him and sang ‘Frankie, we love you’. Even after he had lost they still loved him. The article has an encouraging mood, all is not lost.  

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             The 3 articles, although they are all about the same event, concentrate on different aspects of it. The Star article concentrates almost entirely on Frank Bruno himself. The first column is all about a conversation taking place between Bruno and his manager. His opponent Witherspoon isn’t mentioned until the bottom of the first column. He is given only 1 paragraph out of the first 6. After this he is not mentioned for the rest of the article. It does mention how the heavyweight title remains in American hands as Witherspoon won, but this only mentions ...

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