Compare and contrast the treatment of the killings at DunblanePrimary school by The Sun and The Independent newspapers

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Compare and contrast the treatment of the killings at Dunblane

Primary school by The Sun and The Independent newspapers

       The massacre of Dunblane was a horrific tragedy in which many young innocent children were killed. The coverage from various newspapers came to an enormous amount, each one written and presented in different ways. In this essay will compare and contrast the coverage of the Dunblane tragedy by two The Sun and The Independent newspaper.

       They are two different types of newspaper, The Sun is a tabloid and The Independent is a broadsheet. This gives them very big differences. Broadsheets usually have many more stories on their front page than tabloids. A tabloid headline is much bigger than a broadsheet headline and there are fewer pictures on a broadsheet newspaper than a tabloid. Broadsheets always contain more per story than tabloids and are less colourful. Broadsheets have longer more detailed headlines, whereas tabloids have short headlines. A broadsheet is much bigger than a tabloid and usually costs more.

       Both stories were covering the Dunblane killings. It happened on Wednesday 14th March 1996 in the small village of Dunblane in Scotland. A man broke in to an infant school and shot dead 16 pupils, all ages between 4 and 5. After killing their teacher he proceeded to shoot himself.

        The independent has the headline ‘Massacre in class P1’. The editor chose to use these particular words to evoke emotions in the reader. Massacre is emotive language that helps the reader to understand just how bad the killings were, it is also using imagery to conjure very bad pictures up in the readers head. The ‘class P1’ is used instead of ‘in infant school’ or ‘at school’ because it makes the reader think more in depth to understand it. The Sun uses the headline ‘Pray for them’; this is a sad and thoughtful headline. The word ‘pray’ is religious, or sometimes used to describe desperation, it uses imagery and emotive techniques to make the reader feel sad and create the image of desperation and prayer. ‘Pray for them’ makes the reader feel sympathetic towards the children and their parents, and makes the reader feel like the writer of this article is addressing them, because they are being told to do something.

        Both papers chose to use a school photo of class P1. I believe that they chose to use this picture because it shows all of the children smiling and looking happy. It makes them look like contain warmth and innocence, which in turn makes the reader feel emotions such as anger and feel upset that this could happen to such innocent and young children. Personally I feel that this was a very good picture to use and the newspapers were justified in their decision to use this picture because it shows the children smiling and happy, instead of mourning parents or bloodstained walls. However many people believe that the newspapers exploited the children in the pictures in order to capitalize on sales. They believe that the newspapers were out of order trying to capitalize on the horrendous deaths of such young children and that the consequences of using that picture may be devastating towards the mourning parents. Alternatively the papers could have used a picture of mourning parents, a picture of the crime scene or even pictures of the flowers that were left in remembrance of the victims. But these pictures were rejected because the mourning parents would have been extremely sad and dark and made people not want to look at it. The crime scene picture would have been very bloody and many people would not have brought the paper. The flowers one would have been quite good because it would have evoked emotions in the reader however it lacked the sense of innocence and detail contained by the picture that was used.

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           Both newspapers contain captions and subheadings. On The Sun it does not contain a caption for the main picture of Class P1 however it does have a caption under the picture of the murderer. It says ‘So evil… killer Tom Hamilton’. This almost a fact, because anyone would say that he is evil however it is still an opinion because it is an emotion. The subheading ‘nation mourns as 16 children killed in their school gym’ is also a bit of an opinion because the ‘nation’ is not all mourning but it does start to ...

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