Compare The Representation Of Ethnicity In A Range Of Soap Operas

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Compare The Representation Of Ethnicity In A Range Of Soap Operas

Representation can be defined in various ways such as the ideas of and opinions of the media that shape the representation for example the scriptwriters for soaps. They are the people who make the audience react to the certain characters in a particular situation. I think there are a few ethnic scriptwriters for numerous soaps this suggests to me that scriptwriters for soaps may have a narrow understanding of other cultures.

The context and the characters appearance in soap operas is important in defining representation for example women with blonde hair would be expected to be physically very attractive but dim and naïve. This is a stereotype used throughout soaps and life. Although stereotypes make characters easier to relate to they do take a way some of the realism because they tend to be over exaggerated. Stereotypes are frequently used as a way of creating easily identifiable characters. They do not tend to create a bad representation of people. For example Peggy in Eastenders is a stereotypical busty, blond and a loud landlady but she is not seen in a bad light in fact the opposite as she is seen as a strong woman able to cope with anything life throws at her.

A summary of representation would consist of four main things:

  • The opinions of the people doing the representation for example how do they want the audience to see a person or a place.
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  • The appearance of the object, place, idea or person.

  • The context of the society in which the representation takes place.

  • The reaction of the audience to the thing being represented.

The soap opera genre originated in American radio serials of the 1930s and the term soap is used for these programmes because major soap powder companies sponsored them. Television soap operas are long-running serials concerned with everyday life. The serial should not be confused with the series in which the main characters and format remain the same from programme to programme but each episode is ...

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