Consequences of New Media Technology

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  • It’s become commonplace to divide the media into “old” and “new”, neatly corresponding to analogue and digital technology.
  • Under this handy dichotomy, the old media (print and broadcast especially) represent mass marketing and mediocrity.
  • Conglomerate ownership and economics of scale have produced mainstream, profit driven programming.
  • Variations occur at the margins, certainly, but even their collective impact pales before the market share of newspaper chains, publishing empires and the assorted television, cable and entertainment giants.
  • In contrast to these old-media oligopolies, the new, digital media – fuelled by desktop production and driven by global, networked distribution – seem wildly democratic.


  • Traditionally, many discussions of media democracy have focused on the right to freedom of expression or freedom of speech.
  • Yet although free speech is still a right denied in many places across the world, concentrating exclusively on this aspect has obscured issues more fundamental to media democracy and much more relevant to new media technologies.

Voice Projection

  • Media democracy is much more than being able to say what you like – it is about voice projection and making yourself heard.
  • While new technology has made it easier to publish your own media, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach even the smallest audience with the material.

Concentration of Ownership

  • Apart from official censorship, censorship in its more sophisticated form is achieved through capitalist institutions working together to monitor a monopoly of their beliefs.
  • This is made even easier now that the majority of media businesses are owned by a tiny number of industry giants.
  • On an increasingly global scale, these cartels effectively control the images and stories through which we understand the world.
  • Instead of true democratic choice we are offered infinite versions of the same product (possibly with slight variations in the packaging.
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Consequences of Lack of Variety

  • Serious consequences can occur as it becomes increasingly difficult to voice alternatives to the mainstream media orthodoxy.
  • For example, was the coverage given to the anti-Iraq-War protesters fairly represented, especially in the US media?
  • Restricted media democracy can lead to restricted political democracy as alternative ideas are deliberately kept away from public attention (especially if they might offend advertisers.

THE NEW MEDIA AGE – democratic potential

Drivers of Change

  • The movement is driven by technology, but also by people seeking alternatives.
  • The system has upset a ...

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