Critical analysis of a broadsheet newspaper.

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Critical Analysis

My newspaper is a broadsheet, whose main purpose is to inform, state the facts about what is going on in the world around us. It is to have an unbiased view, telling the news as it is, how it is, without distorting the truth. It is to remain as factual, formal and serious as is possible, while keeping it simplistic enough to reach a wider audience, with short simple facts about the situation. But crams in enough information in such a way to meet the needs of a more intellectual people. I have intended to target an audience of the general public. However I feel the broadsheet will appeal to a group mostly consisting of adults, who don’t want the latest gossip and rumours on celebrities.

The language I have used is very emotive, “One day, Sydney Bristow, Mathew Bristow’s 3-year-old daughter, will understand the full implications of yesterday, when her Father was murdered just a mile from her home in Stanton Island.” Unfortunately this article is indeed very emotive, and ideally would not be, to remain constant with the style of the paper. However it is hard not to be biased against the offender, and not to feel pity for the fatherless little girl, in an appalling crime such as this. Trying to make the paper unbiased is therefore unrealistic, and should not of been the style of the articles in the newspaper. Bias is clearly shown against Ray Spielman describing this act as “one of Ray’s usual past times.”  This bias is justified because I want society to stamp down on men like that. Readers are led to believe that Ray Spielman is simply a cold hearted killer. However, his side of the story has not been uncovered, as he as not been able to contact and would probably unwilling to participate in an interview.

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One of the most influential presentational devices is the masthead, as this is the first thing the reader sees, and is also used to identify a newspaper. Taking this into account I have made the masthead with a bigger font, making it easier to see. I came up with the masthead “The Daily Chronicle” for my newspaper for various reasons. The phrase “The Daily Chronicle” means that it is a journal that logs events daily, making it perfect for it’s use as a masthead, as it sums up the contents of the newspaper. The word “Chronicle” in my ...

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