Evaluation and brief for media studies

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For my A2 Media Studies Practical coursework I have decided to create a local newspaper, as a link from my AS Media Studies Rock music website I will use it as a guideline to produce a local newspaper, using Microsoft Front page and3Dulead I have learnt to work in on these skills to produce images and text in Microsoft Publisher. Also my ambition is to become a journalist in the future, hence to maximise my understanding of tabloid print and broadsheet print I have gained ability in manipulating, editing, cutting, formatting, textures, fonts and sizes helped me to produce a local newspaper I will be using Microsoft fireworks to enhance my skills further as I believe this is the right software for my task.

During my AS production brief I had to produce a website I created a website in my AS coursework as I want to go into journalism. In my A2 practical Media Advanced coursework I analyzed 4 local newspapers which are the Kilburn times, the Willesden times, the Wembley observer and the Harrow observer. Previously in AS I used my knowledge on website skills I have gained to further my skills and acquire my skills in journalistic work. For example: in my AS coursework I learned to use images with text, font and colour effectively. Also the role and function of ten local newspapers in society. A major tool I learnt was cropping and manipulating of image. In my AS coursework I created a music rock band website, whereas in my A2 Media Studies coursework I have decided to create and construct a local newspaper. I believe I can achieve this in the boundary of the codes and constructions.

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Part One

My idea at first came about as I designed a website, working with one other partner last year. However this year I decided to work alone in order for me to enhance my own capabilities and create my own innovations alone. As part of my research into the target audience and into products I designed a way of planning how my newspaper would be eye catching and attention grabbing.


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