How do the writers of FHM use language to create a representation of men. The FHM magazine is aimed at men so it portrays men in a positive way.

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How do the writers of FHM use language to create a representation of men.

The FHM magazine is aimed at men so it portrays men in a positive way. The purpose of the piece is to entertain and uses a lot of sarcasm to do this to make the reader laugh. The format is very informal and chatty like, to make it more appealing to the reader.

A lot of concrete nouns are used such as ‘fire’ ‘lawnmowers’ ‘sport’ ‘whiskey’ these all are field specific lexis and put across the stereotype of men in general. Also words such as ‘score’ which are abstract nouns and field specific lexis and relate back to the stereotyped man who likes sport, drinking fire etc. 'Men' is also a collective noun showing they are all together as one, and that they are very powerful. ‘A firm handshake’ also backs up this statement about men being represented as being powerful and the dominant ones in society.

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In the article there is a lack of pronouns and ‘Men/ man’ is also used in place of them referring to ‘men’ as a whole group making them stronger and more powerful so therefore representing them in a very positive way. There are a lot of 2nd person and 3rd person pronouns. The 2nd person pronouns such as ‘you’ make the article direct to the reader and that it’s them who it is talking directly too, therefore making the reader feel more involved and making it more entertaining.

A lot of adjectives and adverbs are used to again promote more ...

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