How is the genre of horror established in the opening sequence of the lost boys

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Sammy Alkhalaf        Lost boys Essay        5/5/2007

How is the genre of horror established in the opening sequence of the lost boys?

A horror film is one that attempts to make the viewer feel frightened or nervous. One way of doing this that is often used is to make normal things seem strange or fearful. This is done using lighting, camera shots, music and sound effects. They often use Juxtaposition, which is putting two contrasting ideas next to one another, to make the separate ideas seem more extreme. For example, a shot of a peaceful day with a very relaxed tone would cut away to some people being tortured. Another convention of horror films is the use of iconography to signify certain things. An example of how iconography could be used in horror is if a garden is growing well and is full of colour and plants at one point, and when they return to it the garden is dead and all a dull colour such as brown. Colour is used in horror films as well. Black is often used to represent evil and white to represent good.

The title ‘The Lost Boys’ has a double meaning. Its literal meaning is boys who are lost and that also has two significant meanings as lost can mean that they do not know where they are or could mean that they have lost their way in life. The second way the title can be interpreted is an intertextual reference to ‘Peter Pan’, in which a gang of boys ‘The Lost Boys’ are searching to find a mother.

The actors and director of the film give a clue to what the film could be about. The type of role that they play can also be guessed from what they have worked on before. Joel Schumacher, the director, has tended to direct gothic horror films in the past such as ‘Batman Forever’, ‘Flatliners’ (which stars Kiefer Sutherland) and ‘Phone Booth’ (which also stars Kiefer Sutherland). From this we can guess that ‘The Lost Boys’ is going to be a gothic horror film itself.  Kiefer Sutherland has worked on ‘Flatliners’ and ‘Stand By Me’. In these films he has played the antihero and so we can guess that he will play the same kind of role in ‘The Lost Boys’, however, he recently played a hero in the television series ‘24’ so he might not always play the same kind of role. Jason Patrick is expected to be the hero in films because he has played the same type of character in films such as ‘Speed 2’ where he saves everyone.

‘The Lost Boys’ opens with a birds-eye view shot panning across the ocean while the credits are displayed on screen. The writing used is a very old style of writing and seems quite gothic, which helps to show what kind of film it could be. The letters of the writing are also hanging from lines at the top of them, and this might help the audience to guess that the film is about vampires because they can turn into bats that hang from their feet while they sleep. This opening shot allows time to get the credits in before the main body of the film starts, which would help to stop the audience becoming distracted and missing important things.

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The camera shots that are used help to establish the genre of horror. After the camera pans across the ocean it settles on a fairground that is very busy and is in contrast to the tranquillity of the sea. The panning across the ocean could be mirroring the way that bats would fly and so suggesting that bats are flying into the fairground. This is reinforced by the sound effects used at the time such as squeaking and laughing. The camera then moves on to a medium shot of a carousel, before showing a close-up of a character dressed in ...

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