James Bond Assignment

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Heelen Shah        AS Film Studies        James Bond Assignment

James Bond Assignment:

In this assignment, I will be examining the standard Bond genre from Golden Eye, the seventeenth bond film.  I will also be exploring how the audience and I respond to Bond films and what our expectations of the films are.

In the film industry, Genre exists as an obliging system of categorization and allows audiences to sort between films. The industries use the appropriate advertising, marketing and distribution for it to target its audience. Moreover, it allows the audience to filter through films and make a selection on what they want to watch. Genre is a recognizable and established category of written work employing common conventions to prevent readers or audiences from mistaking it for another kind. Narrative is a way of comprehending the story, time, and causality. Since in film there are at least two important frames of reference for understanding the main plot of the story, time, and causality, narrative in film is the principle by which data is converted from the frame of the screen into a diegesis, that frames a particular story, or sequence of action; equally, it is the principle by which data is converted from story onto screen.

Contending that fairy tales could be studied and compared by examining their most basic plot components, Vladimir Propp, a Russian Folklorist from the 1920s developed an analysis that reduced fairy tales to a series of actions performed in each story. Propp argued that all fairy tales were constructed of certain plot elements, which he called functions, and that these elements consistently occurred in a uniform sequence. Based on a study of one hundred folk tales, Propp devised a list of thirty-one generic functions, proposing that they encompassed all of the plot components from which fairy tales were constructed. Vladimir Propp composed a fairytale theory that each folk story had similar characters which had the same purpose in the narrative. His theory on the construction of fairytales can be clearly identified in ‘Golden Eye’. Propp’s fairytale convention has been successfully incorporated in the Bond genre and “Golden Eye” with all the basic characters built-in the film. In Golden Eye, the hero of the film is James bond, as he is seen to be the character with the great courage and strength, celebrated from his bold exploits. James Bond saved his life for Natalya Simonova, the victim of this James Bond film.  A villain is a wicked or evil person; a scoundrel - a dramatic or fictional character that is typically at odds with the hero. General Ourumov fits the character of the villain, as he was the one who had access to “GoldenEye” and plotted the plans. The false hero, Alec Trevelyan (Sean Bean) plays the role of two characters. With his 00 status, the audience are deceived into thinking that he was a good character; however he betrays James Bond and turns into the villainous character. He is in fact a Kosovan spy, which is hinted by his name Janus, the Greek God with two faces. This is also shown in the film where he first appears half his face covered in darkness, and the other half visible in light. In Vladimir Propps fairy tale convention, the false hero is a stock character in fairy tales. The character appears near the end of a story in order to claim to be the hero or heroine and is, therefore, always of the same sex as the hero or heroine. The false hero presents some claim to the position. By testing, it is revealed that the claims are false, and the hero's true. The false hero is usually punished, and the true hero put in his place. Moreover, the Bond Girl Natalya Simonova gets together at the end of Golden Eye. There are stereotypical issues in which the Bond Girls in James Bond are getting more advanced as to before where females were treated differently than today. The cliché of equality between male and female are shown in James Bond films with the stereotypical James Bond women only used for looks and glamour. In Golden Eye, the Bond girls are becoming more advanced with guns and fighting and are becoming more matched to James Bond.

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A narrative film theory is concerned with how stories get told - how they are constructed for and create a viewing subject by camera movement, lighting, editing, and all the available techniques of filmmaking. Vladimir Propp studied the fairytale genre and composed a theory that showed that each folk story had similar characters which had the same purpose in the narrative. This theory, although used by Vladimir in fairytales, can be used in film and has proven to fit the Bond genre well. In fairytales there is always the hero who saves the day, a villain who is up ...

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There is a lot of good stuff in this essay but the structure needs a lot of work. Basically, it's a mish-mash of interesting observations but with little sense of a coherent argument that progresses logically from point to point... The analysis ofthe opening sequence of the film is very interesting, and it contains a lot of good detailed observation, but it's also very different from the more general exploration of conventions that precedes it. The author should tell the reader that they're changing the style of writing from a general analysis of conventional elements to a specific analysis of conventions within a single sequence. Current grade: 3 stars, or a fail because of plagiarism.