Media Studies assignment 3

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Holyrood Community School

Media Studies assignment 3


Local radio is a radio station in a particular part of the country that broadcasts to that particular area. This means that if you were based somewhere in the south west, then you would only be able to broadcast within a couple of kilometres of your destination.

Local radio is useful in many ways because you can use lots of local needs and broadcast them on the radio. For example you can broadcast local news etc. whereas national radio is different; this broadcasts radio to the whole country. That means that national radio is much more constricted in the subjects it puts on air.

Local radio is often commercial, for example ‘Orchard FM’ and ‘Ivel Fm’ although there is local radio stations which are non-commercial like ‘BBC Somerset Sound’.

Commercial radio is funded by advertisements and commercials whereas BBC radio is funded by government funding, TV licences and BBC merchandise and does not contain adverts or commercials because it doesn’t need any.

Local Radio stations in the South

Two different local radio stations would be Orchard FM and BBC Somerset Sound. These differ because BBC Somerset Sound is run by the BBC which is funded by the government. Orchard FM is run by GWR, Great Western Radio, this is funded by commercials.

Orchard Fm has a target audience of young to older people, really this radio station has a vast target audience. This includes men and women because it is a family radio station and at the same time it is also filled with jokes for men, this is unique in a radio station because it is hard to attract a family type of audience with older and younger people and also attract the older male group at the same time. Somerset sound is much more of an adult station with adult topics, the tone of speech is of a much more serious manner although not too serious, it is more relaxed, especially compared to Orchard Fm. Orchard Fm is very fast paced and this is why it appeals to the younger audience. In conclusion Somerset sound targets a much older audience, maybe 55+ including pensioners that just wish to relax etc. I have e-mailed Somerset Sound about what target audience they aim for and I had a reply from Simon Clifford telling me that generally they aim for 55+ with no particular faith, gender etc. Although we don’t turn down any younger listeners

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The programmes on Somerset Sound are usually based on stories and calm music because this is what their audience want and so Somerset Sound base their programmes on it.

Orchard Fm has much quicker paced, exiting programmes filled with competitions, phone–ins and interviews with celebrities. The programmes of the two stations are quite different and this is why the target audience of both is different.

Orchard Fm is run GWR and every station that is run by GWR has a very similar logo, this is because it’s the GWR logo. This means that the Orchard FM logo is similar to ...

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