The programmes on Somerset Sound are usually based on stories and calm music because this is what their audience want and so Somerset Sound base their programmes on it.
Orchard Fm has much quicker paced, exiting programmes filled with competitions, phone–ins and interviews with celebrities. The programmes of the two stations are quite different and this is why the target audience of both is different.
Orchard Fm is run GWR and every station that is run by GWR has a very similar logo, this is because it’s the GWR logo. This means that the Orchard FM logo is similar to other stations’ logos that are run by GWR.
Somerset Sound is part of the BBC. This means that the Somerset Sound logo will be similar to most other BBC orientated radio stations, for example BBC radio Leicester. Its is not only the local BBC stations that have similar logos, national BBC stations also have similar logos
The differences between Orchard Fm and Somerset Sound are quite contrasted, for example, Orchard FM is very fast paced and energetic, this is how it attracts the younger audience, also Orchard FM plays a lot more music. The music that is played by Somerset Sound is older music so that it suits the listeners. Orchard Fm is more of a young family station with competitions etc. and Somerset Sound is just aimed at 55+, probably mostly pensioners because it’s a relaxing station with stories etc.
Another big difference between the two radio stations is that Orchard FM is a lot bigger than Somerset Sound, with Somerset Sound only consisting of around 9 staff!!
Ways in Which local radio stations ‘connect’ with their audience
Local radio stations need ways in which they can keep in touch with the local people and keep their ‘localness’. Orchard FM and Somerset Sound use things like the news to keep local, presenting local news makes the audience feel unique because only they in that area will hear this news. Local competitions, like answering local questions are also a good way of keeping the station local and involving the local people at the same time. Local competitions where you have to find the station representatives in the local area are used a lot by Orchard FM because they are more active and this is another feature used to get their young target audience.
Local quizzes are used more on Somerset sound because it is not so active and it gives the older target audience they have to exploit their experienced local knowledge.
A Programme for a local Chard Radio station
I think that the listening audience within a three-mile radius of chard would be on average middle-aged because there is a high population of older people, this is because Chard is a nice little town which is perfect for elderly people to settle down in. On the other hand there is also quite a high population of younger people and middle-aged people because Chard is also a nice little town to have a family in. and enjoy your younger years of life. This is why in my opinion the average age within a three mile radius of Chard is and middle-aged. I don’t think that gender or ethnicity would make a huge impact on the listening audience but it could make an impact with gender at certain times of the day. For example, during the day housewife or mother would usually listen to the radio and so this would probably be the only time gender would effect the listening audience. Socio-economic group I don’t think would effect the listening audience too much although it could do because some people may prefer to listen to serious issues or business related issues instead of humorous radio. Lifestyle and interests would probably effect the listening audience because of the type of topics that a certain radio station relates to and whether a person can refer to these types of topics and can insert themselves into the matter. Also interests could effect the time of day that particular person listens to the radio because they may have certain daytime hobbies and so listen to the radio at a different time of day.
My programme will be between 11-12pm. This means that my target audience will probably be housewives, and mothers that don’t work, this is because they will be at home and have time to listen to the radio.
How will my programme suit the listening audience?
My programme would suit my listening audience because I have inserted features, which would especially attract my listening audience because of the content. For example I had ‘Blue’ and ‘Rod Stewart’ singing live and women often see these as idols, they are artists which were created more for the women audience. I also had a motherly feature, which was about tips on mothering being given out, this could target young mothers and could also involve more experienced mothers because they can agree or disagree with the methods and add their own comments on the issue.
Others ways in which my programme would suit my audience would include things like the music, not too heavy and mostly pop music along with some smooth rock. This music was put in because it’s common, relaxing and easy to sing along with, so again it makes the listener feel involved. Another way that my programme keeps the listener interested is with the news because listeners will won’t to be updated on the national news but I have also added to local news. This is because it will attract the listener to the radio station and program because you cannot get local news on national radio.