Reading skills in the classroom

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It is not easy to give the best definition of literature; even literary theorists and critics have difficulty in defining it. According to Icoz, literature is language in use and so it is not separable from language. But, in her opinion, literature also involves more than language because meanings go beyond it, and the appreciation and enjoyment of reading requires the development of more than just linguistic capacities. She also claims that a basic understanding of language literary texts is essential but not sufficient to comprehend their significiance. (1992:10)

Other writers, such as Murdoch (1978), describe literature as a sort of disciplined technique for arousing certain emotions or as simply a language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree. However, there is one undeniable thing – reading books will exert a very great influence on the readers’ personalities. There are many aspects of life in which literature takes part. This is because there is a continuous interaction between literature and social life. Reading influences both social and emotional development because books teach love, admiration and will even denounce negative behaviour. Thus, literature is an extension of life, but many of life’s situations are often an extension of literature as well. Besides, books give readers of all ages much more:

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  • development of intellectual horizons
  • providing specific knowledge of life, historical events or psychological theory
  • forming an outlook on life
  • promoting aesthetic standards

Reading for pleasure involves selecting from a wide range of genres that include: thrillers, science – fiction, classics, romance and adventure stories.


Reading is central to the learning process, and as Ghosn points out, ”... carefully chosen children’s literature allows children to develop their receptive language in entertaining, meaningful contexts and naturally invites them to repeat many of the predictable words and phrases, which children gradually take ownership of and add to their receptive ...

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