Schindler's List - Journal Entry

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                Layal Allaf

Schindler’s List – Journal Entry

The movie schindlers list had a couple of aspects that helped me understand Night. A lot of the book Night sort of reoccurs in the movie.

 At the start when the Jews were taken into the Ghettos although in Schindlers list it reminded me of the book except that I think in the book the setup of the ghettos was different, Elie didn’t mention that there was a certain date that they had to be in the ghettos by. I just imagined the ghettos differently when I was reading Night then to how it was shown in the movie.

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The movie also showed me why a lot of the Jews weren’t able to escape when the officers came to the ghettos. Like when the boy tried to escape, when the Nazis camp to take the Jews from the ghettos, he was caught and shot immediately.

Later on in the movie when the ladies were in the bunks at one of the concentration camps, it was an example of how the Jews were not willing to believe that any human could be so cruel. It is a lot like Night when Elie was talking about the optimists in Sighet, who ...

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