Was the Successs of Black Panther down to its Distribution?

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Was The Black Panter’s success due to its distribution?

There is no doubt that the Marvel Studios film,  Black Panther, was hugely successful.  More than just another Marvel film for its usual fan base, this, the 17th film within the Disney franchise, was more like a cultural event, with the choice of subject matter, within a cultural and social context of diversity, the predominantly black cast and perfect timing, as well as a huge number of marketing materials, contributing to its worldwide success and resulting in a worldwide gross of more than 1.3 billion dollars.

The Black Panther marketing campaign demonstrates a forward-thinking approach, a 360 degrees marketing campaign with the aim of ensuring that all audiences are familiar with the film.

In the run-up to the film’s release a wide range of strategies were used to appeal to a variety of demographics.  Marvel, being vertically integrated into a larger company, Disney, took advantage of this large conglomerate and its resources to distribute the film.  A vast array of marketing materials were used, from the more traditional trailers and posters and synergetic products, to the more current use of social media, as well as live interviews and appearances of the cast, all enabling Marvel to reach a range of target audiences.

The trailer of the film, as well as being shown on cinemas, and television, being edited to show the best parts of the film, with impressive special effects, to appeal to marvel fans, was also shown on other platforms, targeting other demographics.   It was broadcast in the advertising break of the Superbowl in America, one of the most expensive slots in the world, with millions of viewers worldwide, thereby targeting global mass audiences, not only Marvel fans, but adults and families in general.  In addition, it was shown on youtube, appealing to a younger audience.  Within 24 hours of the teaser trailer being released, it had been viewed 89 million times.  This was an insightful means to market the film, as the trailer could be shared and liked, thereby enabling the audience to market the film as well.

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In addition to  youtube, other forms of social media were used, as it was deemed to and proved to be an extremely powerful tool to promote the film.  Twitter was used and The Black Panther became the most tweeted about film in 2018 with over 35 million tweets, and over 5 million upon the release of the teaser trailer.  In order to reach a younger audience, there was a Black Panther snapchat filter, appealing to a young and teenage demographic.  

The use of social media also inspired people to ensure that the film got the audience it deserved, ...

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