Command and Control - Assignment 1

Police Constable

Police Sergeant


Chief Inspector

Below is the rank structure for the UK police force, starting from constable al the way up to chief constable.


Chief Superintendent

Assistant Chief Constable

Deputy Chief Constable

Chief Constable

Police constable - These are the most common police officers you will see, they patrol the streets and are called out to deal with any problems.

Police Sergeant - Sergeants are in control of the constables and will send them out to do different things in different areas, they are in charge of about 6 constables.

Inspector - Inspectors are in charge of the custody sergeants, which are involved with registering the cells and dealing with court cases. They are also in charge of a uniformed team which would consist of 6 constables and 1 sergeant.

Chief Inspector - Chiefs inspectors are in charge of all the operations that they would undertake, like a drugs raid for example.

Superintendent - Superintendents would be the police that attend all the meeting with councillors and discuss several policies. They tend to work behind the scenes and are not involved with all the arrests etc.
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Chief Superintendent - Chief superintendent's command the largest territorial subdivisions, often known generally as Basic command units which is the largest territorial units that the police force are split into.

Assistant Chief Constable - Each force has between one and five Assistant Chief Constables. They usually hold portfolios for crime, operations or territorial policing. In larger forces, they may be given responsibilities for policing major territories within the force area.

Deputy Chief Constable - The role of the DCC varies from force to force. In some smaller forces, they take responsibility for territorial policing, but in ...

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