Matthew Woolley                                                                                                Unit 3 Assignment 2

6th February 2008

Btec National Diploma in Uniformed Public Services Unit.

Citizenship, contemporary society and the public services.

Current Affairs


Nearly everyone in the world has access to one type of media or another whether it is radio, television, newspapers or the internet.

Some types of media are truly independent and they try to report situations in an independent way showing all possible viewpoints but most media tends to report issues with a particular bias.

Most media requires the public to buy it. Some media is paid for by wealthy people who want to use it for their own gain.

The media is often biased because it is targeted at the particular audience who pay for it and want to hear news that matches their own views.

Media that is funded by wealthy people present issues to people to reflect their own views which in turn is aimed at making them even more wealthy or to change society to make it the way they want.

The media is extremely powerful in today’s society. It can change the way people see important issues and in doing so can create a groundswell of public opinion that can influence people in authority.  Individual peoples’ opinions are often not taken into account but when lots of people get together they can have an astounding effect, for example when women won the vote.

There are some controls on the way the media report issues but generally it is self-regulated.

The main thing that stops the media reporting the facts in totally the wrong way is that they can get sued for a lot of money.

Although the media don’t generally report anything that is untrue, it can express the personal views of the reporter or the editor. The media can be very influential by deciding what to report and what not to.

When I was researching my assignment I found that some newspapers have “Blog” sites on the Internet where the public can make their own comments on the reports (e.g. Daily Mail and Telegraph). This allows people who have views that are different to the reporter to feed back their comments almost immediately and in doing so they can influence other people. The problem with this is that most papers are read by people with similar views otherwise they wouldn’t but the paper and so most of the views just support the papers viewpoint but often with a more extreme view.


The reports I am comparing are about the issue that the Government Minister, The Justice Secretary, Jack Straw is taking the right to strike away from the Prison Service.  

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This ban has not been put in pace yet, but has been reported on since October 2007.

This issue looks to be mainly about pay because the government want to limit the pay of all public sector workers.

The problem could also have arisen because the Prison Service may want to strike because their working conditions are getting worse. For instance, Prison Officers have also been complaining that prisons are overcrowded which causes unrest with the prisoners and makes the Prison Officers job more difficult and dangerous.

The government is taking action now because prison ...

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