Public Services: international institutions. Police officers should have a general understanding of the main players and their respective missions/causes

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TASK International institutions feature daily on the political stage within the UK and around the world.  Police officers should have a general understanding of the ‘main players’ and their respective missions/causes.  As such, describe the key international institutions and their impact on UK public services. As a minimum you must include the UN, EU, NATO, other institutions and their roles – the European Court of Human rights, World Bank, International Committee of the RED Cross, third sector organisations e.g., Greenpeace Amnesty International and Liberty. Write your response in report format containing information on historical development, key functions and membership. (P1)


The UN stands for United Nations. It officially came into being on the 24th of October, 1945. Before the United Nations came about there was another organisation of a similar nature called the League of Nations, which was established after the First World War in 1919 to create international peace and security but when it failed to stop world war two from occurring it was abolished. The united nations has many responsibilities and international duties, these include promoting human rights around the world, maintaining peace and security internationally, developing relationships with nations, providing aid in disaster situations, helps eradicate global issues like human trafficking/drug trafficking or global issues, acts as a place to resolve situations between nations without the need for violence, build and maintain economies and financial markets. The UN is made up of 193 countries and there are 6 parts to the UN. They are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat.

  1. The General Assembly is made up of all the member nations. Its members meet annually at UN headquarters. Its specific duties are the election of the members of the Economic and Social Council, the board of the UN Industrial Development Organization, and some members of the Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly is the main policy building part of the UN. It gives the members a medium to discuss things.
  2. The Security Council's main function was to maintain international peace and security. The five permanent member nations are the United States, the Russian Federation (in place of the former Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, France, and China. The UN Charter requires that the permanent members agree on all decisions made by the council. Therefore, if even one permanent member vetoes (rejects) a council decision, that decision is defeated. 
  3. The Economic and Social Council works under the guidance and control of the General Assembly. It is made up of 54 member nations that serve three year terms. The council deals with major economic and social concerns, such as economic development, land reform, and control of drugs. It also manages the policies and activities of the United Nations.
  4. The Trusteeship Council was established to help the General Assembly oversee the administration of territories placed under trusteeship. These territories were primarily former colonies of European nations.
  5. The International Court of Justice is the main judicial organ of the UN. It is made up of 15 judges elected to nine-year terms by the General Assembly and the Security Council. The International Court meets at The Hague in the Netherlands. The court has two major jobs. Firstly it settles disputes submitted by nations for final decision and secondly it gives advice to other UN organs and agencies.
  6. The Secretariat. The Secretary-General heads up the Secretariat; this is the administrative part of the UN. The Secretary-General can bring any topic to the Security Council that seems likely to endanger international peace. The General Assembly and the Security Council, as well as the other two councils, may give the Secretary-General special duties to perform.
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The impact the UN has had on UK public services are the following: peace-keeping, disaster relief, environmental concerns and conflict resolutions.

The European Union, EU, was created in 1957 although Great Britain did not join until 1973. It was put in place for similar reasons as the UN but on a smaller scale as it is only European countries that are involved. The EU has a number of functions, for example it is one of the largest providers of funds and humanitarian aid for developing countries, and they also deal in agriculture, fishing and immigration issues amongst ...

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