Analyse and evaluate how effectively Ridley Scott creates another world in the opening sequences of the film 'Blade Runner'

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Analyse and evaluate how effectively Ridley Scott creates another world in the opening sequences of the film 'Blade Runner'

The film 'Blade Runner' was made in 1982 and Directed by Ridley Scott. It was then re-released as a Directors cut in 1992. It has a mix of genres like thriller, sci-fi and drama. The film starts with the foreword which gives you an understanding of the new world and about the androids within it. The word Blade Runner within this is highlighted in a different font and in a different colour to make it stand out. Scott then jumps you into a long shot of the city , which looks a lot like Los Angeles at night. However, it has been edited with flames and lightning to make it look different. There are also flying cars which adds to the effect of a new futuristic world. From the long shot the camera pans in on the city. There is non-diegetic music that is very relaxing and powerful, however this works to good effect as the picture in front you is of a busy 'evil' city, that is covered in flames and thunder making the city seem depressing. The music joins with the image of the city and makes the city seem very grand and powerful. The only light in this scene other than natural light is from the flames and lightning bolts, and the lights from buildings. As the camera moves through the city it cuts to an image of an extreme close up of an eye. In the eye you can see the city which shows the eye is looking at the city. This makes you wonder who the eye belongs to and why there looking over the city. The first impression would be that the eye is of someone important as its like the city belongs to the person and he is looking over it. This whole time the same non-diegetic music is still playing. Scott then jumps back to the city and moves through it towards the 'Tyrell Corporation'. The building of the 'Tyrell Corporation' is like a futuristic Mayan temple. It has the shape of a Mayan Temple however it is covered in lights and is metal rather than brick making it look very contemporary. The non-diegetic music takes away the feeling of depression and combines with the beauty and feeling of importance of the Tyrell Corporation and makes the building feel important and large. Also as the city is still very dark, the lights from the building stand out boldly.

As the camera moves around the building it pans in on one particular part and towards a window, this leads to a straight cut into the Tyrell Corporation. In this scene you meet the first character which is Holden, a police officer. The Scene is started with a high shot of an office, looking down at Holden who has his back to the office looking out the window, making him look vulnerable. The room is very smoky which is made to stand out from the light shining across the room. As Leon a 'replicant' walks into the room, the camera angle changes to a mid shot, showing Holden and Leon sitting at a table. As Holden begins setting up the Voight-Kampff test, which is a test to show weather a person is a real human or a 'replicant' by asking questions creating a emotional response. This is helps create the new world obviously as there is no Voight-Kampff test in real life as there are no replicants. As Holden starts the dialogue the camera angle changes to shot reverse shot to show each characters speech and facial expressions. As Holden begins to ask Leon questions Leon starts to get nervous and the diegetic sound of the fan above sounds in time with a non-diegetic heart beat of Leon's heart. This gets louder and faster as the suspense builds up to build tension. This is then broken by Holden stopping the questions. However, the next question, although the mood is calm now, makes Leon turn, and shoot Holden. There is a diegetic sound of a gunshot that sounds like a laser gun which adds to the creation of a new world and this is type of gun you would expect in the future. As soon as you hear the gunshot you straight away assume Leon is the criminal and it makes you wonder why he shot Leon.
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There is then a straight cut back into the city again, except this time on the city streets. The city seems to be extremely over crowded and busy with high rise buildings lit up with neon lights everywhere and 'spinners', flying cars. The overcrowded city adds to the new futuristic world as geographers believe city's will become overcrowded with new, larger developments. A large electronic blimp then fly's in-between the high sky scrapers advertising 'Off World'. There is a diegetic narrator from the blimp describing 'Off World'. Scott then makes a camera change to a high shot looking ...

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