Shannon Gardner


WMS 200

A League of Their Own

        In A League of Their Own, a girls’ baseball league was started while the professional male baseball players, along with many other men, were across seas fighting in World War II. This movie takes place in 1943.  A group of ladies left their homes to become part of the All-American Girls Baseball League to keep the baseball traditions alive.

        In this movie, gender roles are crossed.  “After years of perpetrating the image of the docile little women who sat at home caring for her lord and master, American society suddenly found that it needed women who were competent to do hard skilled work during World War II” (Ebert).  This was alarming to the nation and threatening to some.  During one of the scenes, a radio announcer announces that the league was “dangerous to society.”  She called it “sexual confusion.”  Much of the country began to worry about what type of women the men would have to come back to.  

Society believes that women should be sensitive and nurturing, not competitive. At this time, women were also running the businesses and factories.  Working in factories and playing competitive sports were considered to be the role of the males.  Women are to be “sensitive, nurturing, and open” (Johnsen).  By playing sports and working in factories, women began to take over some more masculine traits.  This was threatening to the men.  They saw this as loosing control.  Women play many parts in men’s struggle for control.  One part that women play is “to support the idea that men and women are fundamentally different because this gives men a clear and unambiguous turf – masculinity – on which to pursue control in competition with one another” (Johnsen).  This threatened men’s role and their sense of control.  This threatened their masculinity.

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        Even though women were now taking over the factories and sports while the men were away, there still were many politics involved.  Instead of this new baseball league being looked at as a competitive sport, it was more of a show.  One of the scouts in this movie did not want to take one of the most outstanding baseball players because she wasn’t pretty.  The scout finds her “too homely for the league” (Brown).  Also, they were forced to wear skirt outfits to play in the dirt.  When the women complained about that, the male instructor commented that they should ...

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