-Helps the performer to accelerate quickly over the first few yards. It is crucial to help you to get to the ball first. It also helps you to leap higher when jumping to head a ball.
Evaluation of my power
-I am not very powerful. Over the first 5 yards I am not very quick which means I’m usually second to the ball. When jumping for a header I am also unable to jump as high as many of my opponents. My shooting is also weak because of my lack of power.
-Allows you to change direction quickly. It can be used on attack to help you lose a defender when moving off the ball and also to perform skills when dribbling with the ball. On defence it allows a performer to stay with an attacker who may be trying to lose him.
Evaluation of my agility
-My agility is ok. I am usually able to stay with an attacker when defending. On attack I am also able to shake a defender to get free.
-Enables a performer to link movements together fluently and efficiently. It looks smooth and allows a performer to time his actions correctly to achieve the desired results.
Evaluation of coordination
-My coordination is good. I am able to link movements together fluently and efficiently when in possession of the ball. My timing is also good. This therefore allows me to connect well with volleys and headers.
-Enables a performer to cover a certain distance as fast as possible. Beat opponents to through balls on both attack and defence. It also helps you to dribble past a player or lose a marker.
Evaluation of speed
-I am fairly fast. This means that when I’m in possession of the ball I find it easier to dribble past defenders. It also means I can usually beat the defender to a through ball. On defence it means I can stay with a defender and cut out through balls.
- Strength enables you to be strong on the ball and not be pushed off easily, this is crucial for a striker who may be holding up the ball. Its also needed in the air to allow you compete for a header on attack and defence. Finally in helps to have strength on defence when tackling an opponent to gain possession.
Evaluation of my Strength
-I am not very strong. Therefore I tend to get knocked off the ball quite easily and tend to lose possession. I also find it hard to compete for headers in the air.