Review the classification of skills to include the differences between; individual, co-active and interactive skills.

In attempting to review the classification of skills, I will cover the following points. Firstly I will define skill, using quotes from Davis, Galligan. I will then compare and contrast individual, co-active and interactive skill, relating them to certain sports. Next I will discuss the many ways of classifying skill.  To conclude I will discuss why classification of skill is useful, when selecting a skill for a teacher to teach.

We ask ourselves the question “what is skill?” Welford’s definition suggests it is “the learned ability to bring about predetermined results with maximum certainty, often with minimum outlay of time or energy or both.” Hargie said skill was, “an organised, co-ordinated activity in relation to an object or situation which involved a whole chain of sensory, centre and motor mechanisms.” Skill can sometimes be confused with ability and technique. They may have a certain relationship with skill but they are completely different. By definition Skill= ability + technique.  

There are so many different types of skill, such as; Cognitive, Motor, Perceptual, Closed, Open, Gross, Fine, Discrete, Serial, Continuous, Individual, Co-active and Interactive. Since there is so many different types of skill and knowing that they can not be neatly classified we then place them on a continuum. Continua maybe based on how precise a movement is, whether or not it has a clear beginning or end and if it is affected by the environment. For example; a discrete skill means it has a clear beginning and end, which could be a did in volleyball. A serial skill maybe a group of discrete skills strung together to make a new and complex movement for example; the triple jump. And a continuous skill has no obvious beginning or end, for example; Walking or running.

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This is an example of how sports can be placed along a continuum.




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