Describe and offer strategies to enhance performance of information processing both in practice and competition

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Freddie Chatt

Describe and offer strategies to enhance performance of information processing both in practice and competition

Information processing is when a performer receives a stimulus and reacts to this based on senses and memory.  The DCR system forms the basis of information processing.  DCR stands for detect, compare and react.  This is where we detect information then we compare it with other similar information we already have and then we react accordingly to it.

Before a decision is made, the information is taken through senses, this is known as Sensory Input.  The sensory information is taken through 3 senses; these are Vision, Audition and Proprioception.

Visual information is taken through the eyes on sight.  It is essential in all types of sport (individual, team and racket).  We react differently to certain objects, an example is that you react differently to seeing a team mate than you do your opponent.  If visual stimuli are bright then the performer reacts quicker.  An example of how this is already implemented in a team sport is in cricket, in test matches, a white sight screen is used and a red ball is used.  This causes a good contrast and allows the batsman to react quicker which is essential as they often only have a fraction of a second to play a shot against the quicker bowlers.  An example of an individual sport where this could be added to improve in practice is that of Skeet shooting.  If the clay disks were painted bright colours then the performer would be able to process the information quicker and could train them self to be able to locate the disk quicker and carry that through to the competition.  In squash, a racket sport, the current ball colour is generally dark green or black, if this colour was to be made brighter, by using red or blue for example, the competitors could be able to process the information much quicker and be able to move into position ready to play the shoot sooner.  Another example of where a team could implement it, is in football.  You could make your kit brighter, this would mean that the information is processed quicker and the player with the ball would be more aware of his team-mates on the pitch.

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Auditory information is taken through the ears, its main use is to take communication from team mates or coaches.  Audition is also essential in most sports, for the starting gun in sprints or calls from team mates for the ball in football.  An example of a racket sport which would benefit from good communication is doubles tennis, if the communication is loud your partner would be able to identify where you are on the court and adjust their position so when combined you cover the whole court.  In athletics, specifically sprints, a louder gun at the start would increase ...

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