Discuss the differences between skill, ability and technique and explain how you would structure practices to enhance these components of fitness.

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Discuss the differences between skill, ability and technique and explain how you would structure practices to enhance these components of fitness.

The word skill can be interpreted in a variety of different ways.

  • The word could mean an element of a game or sport e.g. passing, volleying or somersaulting.

  • The word can be used in reference to a quality a sports person possesses.

There are three different types of skill the first type is cognitive skill, this is the ability to solve problems by thinking e.g. when you do arithmetic in your head you are employing cognitive skill adapted from Davis B. et al (2000) Physical Education and the Study of Sport. 4th edition. Mosby

The second type of skill is called perceptual skill. Perception is sensing what is going on around you without looking, for example being able to pass to a team mate in football without looking up shows good perception as you can anticipate where he is just from his calls.

The third type of skill is called motor skill; motor skill is a skill in which the majority of muscle movement is voluntary. An example of a motor skill is running, when you run you consciously move your legs and arms, very few perceptual skills are used when sprinting, therefore making it a motor skill.

Most skills we use in PE and sport usually use elements of all three types of skill, they are usually referred to as perceptual-motor or psychomotor skills adapted from Davis B. et al (2000) Physical Education and the Study of Sport. 4th edition. Mosby

There are a few key facts to know about skill and these are as follows:

  • A skill must be learned, and is usually a result of regular practice, the more you practice the more experienced you become at performing a skill.
  • Skill has an end result. Its is important that the learner knows the end result of a skill before he attempts it because knowing this will allow him to know what he/she is trying to achieve and they will be able to judge how well they have performed the skill in comparison to how it should be done.
  • Consistency is a key part of skill, as skill performers will be able to achieve their goal time and time again.
  • Skill results in a smooth efficient movement, a skilled performer will make a move look effortless, and example of this is with footballer David Beckham, he has the skill of being able to hit a 60 yard pass and he does it accurately and makes it look effortless.
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Skill classification:

Classification is when you group similar skills together and give them a generic label adapted from Davis B. et al (2000) Physical Education and the Study of Sport. 4th edition. Mosby

Most skill classification systems are based on the view that motor skills are affected by three factors:

  • how precise a movement is
  • whether the movement has a definite beginning and end
  • whether the environment affects the performance of the skill

Two examples of classified skills are:

‘The Gross and Fine Continuum

This continuum is concerned with the precision of ...

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