20 Metre Shuttle Run Test (Multistage Fitness Test)
The multistage fitness test, also known as the 20m shuttle run test, beep or bleep test among others, is a very common test of aerobic fitness.
Description: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The time between recorded beeps decrease each minute (level). There are several versions of the test, but one commonly used version has an initial running velocity of 8.5 km/hr, which increases by 0.5 km/hr each minute.
Scoring: The athletes score is the level and number of shuttles reached before they were unable to keep up with the tape recording.
Equipment required: Marking cones, 20m measuring tape, pre-recorded audio tape, tape recorder, recording sheets.
Target population: Suitable for sports teams and school groups, but not for populations in which a maximal exercise test would be contraindicated.
Validity: There are published VO2max score equivalents for each level reached (calculator available here). The correlation to actual VO2max scores is high.
reliability: Reliability would depend on how strictly the test is run, and the practice allowed for the subjects
Advantages: Large groups can perform this test all at once for minimal costs. Also, the test continues to maximum effort unlike many other tests of endurance capacity.
Disadvantages: Practice and motivation levels can influence the score attained, and the scoring can be subjective.
Variations: You will find that there are several different variations of this test, and you should ensure that you have norms relevant to the correct test. Another shuttle type of test that has been pointed out to me is the Aero test, which is like the bleep test but each bleep is 0.05km/h quicker than the last one and it doesn't compromise of levels. It is a 20m shuttle run and each 20m counts as a score of one.
other comments:
- Tapes and CD's are available for purchase from many national coaching associations. Do a web search.
- As the audio-tapes may stretch over time, the tapes need to be calibrated which involves timing a one-minute interval and making adjustment to the distance between markers. The recording is also available on compact disc, which does not require such a stringent calibration, but should also be checked occasionally.
- This test or variations of it can also go by several other names, such as shuttle run test, beep test, bleep test, yo-yo, PACER, Aero, and multistage fitness test (MST). Some of these may have different protocols, so be wary when comparing results or comparing to norms.
Sit and Reach Test
Description / procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs out straight ahead. Feet (shoes off) are placed flat against the box. Both knees are held flat against the floor by the tester. The athlete leans forward slowly as far as possible and holds the greatest stretch for two seconds. Make sure there is no jerky movements and that the fingertips remain level and the legs flat.
Scoring: The score is recorded as the distance before (negative) or beyond (positive) the toes. Repeat twice and record the best score. The table below gives you a guide for expected scores (in cm) for adults
Vertical Jump Test
Description / procedure: the athlete stands side on to a wall and reaches up with the hand closest to the wall. Keeping the feet flat on the ground, the point of the fingertips is marked or recorded. The athlete then stands away from the wall, and jumps vertically as high as possible using both arms and legs to assist in projecting the body upwards. Attempt to touch the wall at the highest point of the jump. The difference in distance between the reach height and the jump height is the score. The best of three attempts is recorded.
Modifications: Jump height can also be measured using a timing mat which measures the time the feet are off the mat. From the time, jump height can be calculated. To be accurate, you must ensure the feet land back on the mat with legs nearly fully extended. Other test modifications are to perform the test with no arm movement (one hand on hip, the other raised above the head) to isolate the leg muscles and reduce the effect of variations in coordination of the arm movements.
The test can also be performed off one leg, with a step into the jump, or with a run-up, depending on the relevance to the sport involved.
Scoring: The jump height Jump is usually recorded as the score in distance. The table below provides a ranking scale for adult athletes based on my observations, and will give a general idea of what is a good score.
1-RM Tests (Repetition maximum tests)
Description / procedure: One repetition maximum test (1-RM) is a popular method of measuring isotonic muscle strength. It is a measure of the maximal force a subject can lift with one repetition. The athletes chooses subsequent weights until they can only repeat one full and correct lift of that weight.
Equipment required: Free weights (barbells, dumbbells) or other gym equipment.
Advantages: the required equipment is readily available in most gymnasiums.
Comments: The test results will be specific to the equipment used and the technique allowed, so is best used for test-retest measures. Also sometimes used is a 3-RM or other numbers. These greater reps would require less weight and may be considered less dangerous.
Abdominal Endurance Tests
Description / procedure: The athlete lies on their back with feet flat on the floor and knees at right angles. With fingertips at the temples, the athlete curls up so the elbows touch the thighs. The shoulders must return fully to the floor. The number of complete sit-ups is counted in the prescribed time, ranging from 20 to 60 seconds (the technique used may vary).
Equipment required: timer, floor mat.
other comments: The exact technique may vary between variations of this test, so you must ensure the technique being used is the same as used for the norms being utilised, and is documented with the results.
Sit up test
Pull-Up Test
Description / procedure: Grasp the overhead bar. Palms can be facing inwards or outwards, but the same each time (depends on the technique used previously or what was used for the norms). Pull up until the chin clears the top of the bar, then lower again to a position with the arms fully extended.
Scoring: The total number of correctly completed pull-ups is recorded.
Equipment required: Horizontal overhead bar
Target population: sports in which upper body strength is important, such as rowing.
Advantages: equipment readily available, and testing easy and quick to perform.
Disadvantages: as the scoring is subjective, it is difficult to standardise the results.
Other comments: Check for improper technique such as legs swinging or kicking, and failure to fully extend the arms or get the chin over the bar.
Push-Up Test
Description / procedure: Can be the total number of push-ups completed or the number completed in a set time period. The starting position is with the hands and feet touching the floor, the body and legs are in a straight line, the arms extended and at right angles to the body.
Modifications: Modifications of this procedure are to have the knees on the ground or to have the hands resting on a chair. The athlete then lowers themselves until the chest touches the floor, then extend the arms back to the starting position.
Scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups is recorded.
Equipment required: floor mat, timer
Target population: sports in which upper body strength is important, such as rowing.
Advantages: testing easy and quick to perform.
Squat test
Skin fold Measurement
Description: This method is the most widely used body composition testing method for assessing percent body fat. Equipment used for this assessment includes a skinfold caliper. A Skinfold Caliper is designed specifically for simple accurate measurement of subcutaneous tissue. Either a 7 or 3 site skinfold may be assessed.
7 site skinfold:
- chest
- triceps
- subscapular
- axilla
- suprailiac
- abdomen
- thigh
3 site skinfold (Men):
3 Site Skinfold (Women)
How accurate is it?
If each test is performed correctly according to the recommended guidelines, there is a +/- 3% error. Validity (compared to underwater weighing): 7 site skinfold (r = .90), 3 site skinfold (r = .89).*
- Easy to use once skill has been mastered
- Does not require much time
- Noninvasive method
- Inexpensive way of estimating percent body fat
- Technical sources of error
- Mostly concerned with subcutaneous fat (under the skin)
- May not be an ideal measurement for those who are obese and very lean
Body mass index (BMI)
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It takes a person's weight in kilograms and divides it by their height in meters squared. For instance, if your height is 1.82 meters, the divisor of the calculation will be (1.82 * 1.82) = 3.3124. If your weight is 70.5 kilograms, then your BMI is 21.3 (70.5 / 3.3124)
BMI = Weight / Height2
Weight in kilograms (pounds x 0.45359237)
Height in meters (inches x 0.0254)
Description / procedure: BMI is calculated from body mass (M) and height (H). BMI = M / (H x H), where M = body mass in kilograms and H = height in meters. The higher the score usually indicating higher levels of body fat
Equipment required: scales and stadiometer as for weight and height.
Target population: BMI is often used to determine the level of health risk associated with obesity.
Advantages: simple calculation from standard measurements
Disadvantages: BMI can be inaccurate, for example with large and muscular though lean athletes scoring high BMI levels which incorrectly rates them as obese.
Other comments: Other measures of body composition would be preferable if available.