The client’s trainer will be _____________________________.
If cancellation is not received 24 hours in advance, the client agrees to pay in full for the scheduled session. This contract may be terminated with seven days written notice to the other party.
I, the client _______________, am commited to making a positive change in my health through my participation in the PF program. I understand that certain elements of this program can be physically demanding, and that I may need to change various aspects of my lifestyle in order to realize the goals I have set in this program. I realize PF is responsible for providing the coaching I request. I am responsible for my own participation in this program, for my own physical and emotional well-being, and for the attainment of the goals I have established of this program.
Total Release and Waiver of Liability
As a condition of my enrollment, I accept full and complete responsibility for my own ability to healthfully participate in this program. I understand that participation and use of instruction, programs, activities, services, facilities, and equipment provided by PF is potentially hazardous.
I hereby release PF, its directors, officers, agents, employees, trainers, management, representatives, their assigns, their heirs, executors, and administrators, and all others from any responsibility or liability for any injury, damage or any loss, including those caused by their negligence.
I have read and understood the above, and understand that it sets out the terms of engagement, and that it is also a total release, and waiver of liability.
Client Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
By: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Preston’s Fitness