How do the sensitivity of the muscles in the back Vary as the distance of the prong gets less.

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Daniel Williams                

Biology Coursework

How do the sensitivity of the muscles in the back

Vary as the distance of the prong gets less

Plan: my experiment is to test how sensitive the muscles in the back can be and how well they can detect the number of prongs touching them from the hair pin which will decrease in size by 2mm each turn I will test each person one but with 10 sets of results from the tests which will be 10mm, 8mm, 6mm, 4mm and 2mm. I want to see if the size of the muscle contributes to the sensitivity of it.

The muscles that I will be testing are:

Trapezius muscle (fairly sensitive)

Deltoid muscle (sensitive)

Infrasprinatas muscle (sensitive)

Latissimus dorsi muscle (not sensitive)

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Gluteus medias muscle (sensitive)


I think that the larger the muscle the less sensitive it is likely to be this is because the nerve endings will be further apart so the muscles will not be able to detect the smaller distances of the prongs. Whereas the smaller muscles will have nerve endings closer to each other and I think they will be a lot more sensitive to the prongs. I think this is going to happen because there are a certain number of nerve endings spread throughout ...

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