Is motivation more important than ability in a successful competitive performance?

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Craig Marshall

Is motivation more important than ability in a successful competitive performance?

In order to be able to learn and perform any skill, especially in sport, we must have the abilities required. Abilities are generally seen as being innate. That is, you are born with them or they are developed early in life. Abilities are often seen as the building blocks of sport. Without the basic building blocks of movement vocabulary, we will never be able to develop skill fully.

      Examples of specific abilities required in sport would include: hand/eye co-ordination, flexibility, speed etc. Without these abilities, it would not be possible to learn skills such as a smash in badminton. It may be possible to develop basic skills with the correct learning environment. However without innate ability you will never become a superstar.

      Motivation can influence our decisions, our learning and our performance in sport. If we are not in a psychological state, we will make mistakes in performance and will not learn to perform at our best. Motivation can be shown as:-

It is important to be aware of the influence of motivation on the acquisition of sporting skills. Those who are highly motivated are more likely to learn and practice skills than those who are not.

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      There are many motivational factors. We are motivated by teachers, coaches and the performer themselves need to be aware of the factors which motivate an individual first to parcipitate and second to strive for improvement.

      So now to answer the question, Is motivation more important than ability?

In a successful performer it needs to have two key areas to achieve a successful competitive performance. This includes:-

 Motivation - limits performance, in that you are more likely to perform well if you are highly motivated, while your performance may be poor if you have no ...

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