Muscle fatigue and Muscle fibre type


The objective of this lab report was to investigate the relationship between muscle fatigue and the proportion of fast twitch fibres.

Human muscles are made up of a mixture of different fibre types: Fast Twitch oxidative, Fast twitch oxidative Glycolytic and Slow Twitch.

The method used was action potential propagation velocity of motor axons in the ulnar nerve. The conduction velocity in a nerve is the speed at which the impulse travels along it. “The larger the diameter of the fibre the faster the nerve impulse will travel.”

“Each action potential arriving in the motor nerve always produces a muscle action potential, which then spreads along the membrane of the muscle fibre giving rise to a contraction of that fibre. Because of their relatively small size, it is difficult to record the electrical activity of nerve fibres themselves at the surface of skin close to the fibre. This problem can be overcome by recording the electrical activity of the muscle fibres innervated by the nerve instead.”(Physiolgical systems accessed on 21/11/04).,The electromyogram (EMG) is relatively easy to record since detectable electrical currents flow across the skin surface above the body of the muscle.

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 That there is a relationship between the portions of fast twitch fibres and muscle fatigue.


See sheets attached in appendix


The table shows EMG fatigue gradient against conduction velocity time 1 and time 2. The result marked red was an outlier as it was much bigger then the rest of the results. So they could have been an error in the pre set of data that was obtained. This outlier made the ...

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