Outdoor and Adventurous Activities - risks, percieved and actual

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Luke Rodgers 12SD

Mr. Hannaford


Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Situation 1

  1. How would the children be feeling as the day progresses?

At the beginning of the day my guess would be that the children would be feeling fairly anxious or nervous at the fact at what they were about to experience, but they would find comfort in the fact that their teacher is experienced in hiking and they will also be feeling excited. As the day progresses they will grow in confidence in both their hiking and knowing their surroundings, I think that their anxiety and nervousness will have dissolved and by the end of the day they will have full confidence that they can hike the walk again, knowing they’d be safe.

  1. Would their pre-trip preparations have increased or decreased their feelings of fear, danger and apprehension?

In my opinion the group’s pre-trip preparations could have both increased or decreased their fear or apprehension. It may have increased or decrease it because it gives the group an insight of what they will be taking part in, this could frighten the group and because they don’t know exactly what it may be like, they could perceive the risk and danger to be greater than the actual risk. It also could work the other way because when it gives an insight of the hike, they may get more excited and more confident in being able to do the hike which will decrease their perceived risk and will increase their excitement of the trip.

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  1. Looking at Mortlock’s diagram. Where would you have placed the group on the inexperienced-experienced continuum, and the avoidable-unavoidable continuum?

On the diagram I would place the group in the increasingly predictable part of the experienced-inexperienced continuum, because they are young and lack experience and with their leader who is experienced that would make the route more predictable. In the avoidable-unavoidable continuum, I would place them in the avoidable part of the continuum.

  1. Are they in subjective or objective danger?

I believe they are in the subjective data section because due to lack of experience they will perceive the ...

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In general, this assignment is very well-written. Factual information is conveyed and when required, subjective perspectives are explained using the word ... BECAUSE!