Review the classification of skills to include the differences between individual, coactive and interactive skills. Make reference to an individual, team and racket sport

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Review the classification of skills to include the differences between individual, coactive and interactive skills. Make reference to an individual, team and racket sport.

        Before reviewing how skills can be classified I think it is important to realise and try to understand what skill consists off. Skill has to be performed on a regular basis and the action has to be a pre set result and not a fluke.

        Skill can be placed into many different categories due to many interpretations of skill and so continuums are extremely important in classifying skills into the correct category. The only possible way that a skill can be placed into a category is by placing it along with a continuum which defines how much a skill favours one find of classification than another. An example of this would be when a bowl in cricket is spun it could be placed progressively along the gross and fine continuum because the bowl could be made a gross movement for a little pace but involve some fine movement for the spin, but the next bowl could be made more of a fine movement by concentrating more on the spin rather than the pace of the bowl. But the only disadvantages of the continuums is that one cannot place a skill definitely in one category or the other which means that there is some uncertainty among the classification of skill and this is one of the main reason why there are so many different definitions of what skill is due to different people having different ideas of what skill is.

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        Individual skills are those that the competitor performs alone, without physical presence of the opposition team being involved. Can you think of an example of a sport that consists of the opposition not being present?  High jump is a prime example of this due to the fact that other competitors are in the same area but they do not perform at the same time and cannot physically affect the opponent’s performance, although they may use psychological pressure. Also figure skating is another prime example because competitors can largely distant themselves from one another even before and after the skater has ...

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