Rugby analysis - my weaknesses in tackling and passing and what I can learn from elite players.

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Ben Spencer

Area of Assessment 3 – (tactical/decision making)

Weakness - Tackling with my left shoulder

One of my weaknesses is that I decide to tackle with my right shoulder, even in a left shoulder scenario.

The decision to make a right shouldered tackle in a left shoulder tackle scenario comes down to the autonomous reaction to tackle with my right shoulder as it feels most comfortable. By tackling with the right shoulder I can visualise the area of impact however, with a left shoulder tackle I have difficulty placing my shoulder and carry the move out with a bad arm position.

With a left shouldered tackle; the angle of abduction and the degree of outward medial rotation of the shoulder joint is too small this leads to me not getting the maximum amount of grip during the bind.

The degree of flexion of the spinal column around the frontal axis leads to a bad angle for my body position entering a tackle; through doing so I do not achieve maximum power at the point of contact thus getting knocked away. This happens very often throughout my attempts of a left shoulder tackle, thus deciding to do a right shouldered tackle which, in the past, has had better outcomes. In doing so I create a danger of myself getting injured as my head and neck are in a bad place and if I succeed at tackling my opponent, it leads to them landing on my head. This could lead to concussion or even damage to the cervical spinal region.

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Professional - Sonny Bill  

Sonny Bill has played rugby union with the all blacks, rugby league with other teams and he is also a boxer. So he is very physiologically and psychologically tough. His decisions often have good outputs and when he makes a risk it often works out for the better. He has a Nach personality and is often the highlight of many matches. His famous left shoulder tackle on Joel Clinton is astronomical. Flexion of the knees and eccentric contraction of the quadriceps giving him a lowered body position ready to strike at an upward angle ...

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