Self analysis of football performance - Comparison to elite model

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Gaphar Ojetola

Self-Analysis Of Attacking Weakness 1

Comparison to Elite Model



Part B


  • Abduction of the arms- deltoids contract- first concentrically & then isometrically
  • Pronation of both hands- the pronator teres contract


  • Extension at the knee joint- quadriceps contract concentrically
  • Slight forward flexion at the hip- hip flexors contract
  • Plantar flexion at in the foot- gastrocnemius contract concentrically
  • Extension/hyperextension at the hip (gluteus Maximus and hamstrings contract concentrically
  • Flexion at the knee- hamstrings contract concentrically


  • Eccentric abduction of Gluteus Maximus
  • Eccentric flexion of hamstring group

On striking the ball, Newton’s first law of motion can be applied. Newton’s first law of motion states, “A body continues in a state of rest or uniform velocity unless acted upon by an external force” In other words, the ball will not move until the force from the kicker’s foot is applied to it at the point of contact.

Part C1- Causes of weakness

While attempting a (long) shot, my starting position and approach to the ball is correct and I put enough power behind the shot. I approach the ball from roughly a 45° angle and plant my non-kicking foot flat on the floor next to the ball with the knee slightly flexed. Both my arms are raised for support and my hands are pronated.

However, as I outlined earlier, many times the shot goes off target as it rises over the bar. The reason for the shot going off target is due to me leaning back as I make contact with the ball. Because my planting foot is slightly behind the ball, as I swing my kicking leg to make contact with the ball I lean back slightly which results in me making contact with the bottom of the ball and ‘scooping’ it slightly rather than making contact with the middle of the ball as I aimed to do. This causes the trajectory of the ball to rise and the resultant shot goes off target. This could be due to the lack of hypertrophy in the stabilization muscles of my trunk. As I attempt to take the shot and swing my kicking leg back, I am slightly off balanced; having strong abdominal muscles, spinal muscles such as the erector spinae and other spinal postural muscles would allow me to regain balance and full control over my movement. Gerard seems to have strong spinal muscles as his chin is always over the ball as he makes contact which suggests he is stable and fully supported while attempting his shot.

Personally, I feel that the main reason for my shots rising and going off target is due to the lack of hypertrophy in my stabilizer muscles. Gerard would have would have had many sessions of weight training included in his training plan and presumably some of these weight training sessions were focused on improving the size and strength of the stabilizer muscles in his back and abdominal area. However, due to my lack of training, I can become easily off-balance. For example when I swing my kicking leg back it causes me to lean back slightly due to the lack of control in my movement.                                                                                                        

Part C2- Correction of the weakness

Ways you could correct weakness

The main way I can correct the weaknesses in my shot is by training regularly. Firstly; I can plan a session focusing on improving my shooting technique. I would include some drills in my training session which would consist of me taking shots from outside of the ‘D’ from different angles. To follow up on this, I would put several targets inside the goal and mark out cones at different angles outside of the area where I would attempt to hit a certain target inside the goal each time, this would improve the accuracy of my shot and with time I would implement this into any games/matches that I played. Secondly; I could plan a session in the gym where I would focus on my core muscles. I would set up a circuit which would consist of stations where I would do; sit ups, oblique twists, squats, back-bridges, hip lifts, lunges and also some exercises on stability balls. All of these drills improve and cause hypertrophy of the main muscles in the trunk of the body.

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Training programme

Reasons for training program

As you can see, my training program places emphasis on; finishing practise, weight training and circuits. The reason for including finishing practise in my training program is because it enables me to improve the technique of my shot while eradicating the mistakes that I make, in order for my shot to be on the same level as Gerard’s. I have included weight and circuit training which focuses on abdominal muscles, many times on my program as this is ...

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